Our aim is to showcase the creation of inquiry-based experiment units used in laboratory environment. These units are focused on qualitative and quantitative optics experiments for upper secondary students. Worksheets guiding the students through each unit were created and tested several times to ensure quality using students’ feedback. This contribution presents these worksheets for...
The understanding of the anthropic greenhouse effect (GHE) rests on two key concepts, namely thermal emission and the interaction of different kinds of electromagnetic radiation with different kinds of matter. A survey of the existing Physics Education research concerning the GHE and climate change shows that students have in general a poor understanding of such concepts. In this work, we...
In the last years, the use of smartphones as laboratory tools for school physics experiments has received attention for the possibility of carrying out a wide variety of didactic experiences with low-cost experimental equipment. In this contribution, we describe an experimental activity that can be carried out by using smartphones to investigate the oscillations of a damped oscillator made of...
In the field of education, in addition to the evaluation of the learning process, the examination of the effectiveness of teaching plays an important role. Teachers are often hopeless to see what prior knowledge and competencies the student is coming from and thus what the ideal developmental task is in the given lesson. In this research topic, our goal is to create a computer program that can...
The spreadsheet is widely used in practice, not excluding the teaching of physics. One of the possibilities is to use it in the experimental activity of pupils. The aim of the paper is to show how to use quantitative simulated experiments created in a spreadsheet during the teaching of periodic motion at secondary school. Quantitative simulations make it possible to explore periodic phenomena...
In recent years, the use of STEM educational methodology in the classroom has been increasingly promoted, but due to the heterogeneity of approaches and the lack of knowledge on the part of teachers, it is necessary to accompany this process through the design and implementation of research-based STEM projects. This study presents the design of a STEM project for secondary school that...
Fidget spinner is a cheap toy which can be used as a teaching tool to demonstrate rotational motion. The goal of our study is to present simple fidget spinner experiment and a Java applet developed for theoretical investigation of the problem.
The paper aims to show one of the possibilities of how simple devices based on microcontrollers and inexpensive electronic components can be used in the framework of pupils' exploration of the thematic unit of Periodic Motion. The experimental set-up designed at the authors' workplace has a modular design and contains a digital oscilloscope supplemented with suitable sensors. An optional...
The STEAM-ACTIVE project (KA2-Erasmus+) aims to contribute to higher education innovation to train university students to produce meaningful learning, and to develop multiple competencies according to an interdisciplinary approach to solve socio-scientific-technical problems. As a result, a Protocol has been developed for Teachers to illustrate the STEAM project design methodology framework...
The development of scientific thinking is one of the objectives that is established through the teaching of Natural Sciences and Technology, during elementary education in Mexico. The objective of this study is to analyze the relationship between the use of experimental activities related to the optical phenomena of reflection and refraction of light as a didactic resource to promote the...
Over a decade International Particle Physics Outreach Group (IPPOG) has been offering to scientific community, teachers and educators an online collection of high-quality engaging education and outreach materials in particle physics (PP) and related sciences, the Resource Database (RDB). After major revamp and curation a brand new RDB has been published as part of the newly developed IPPOG...