3–7 Jul 2023
Faculty of Science, UPJS, Košice, Slovakia
Europe/Bratislava timezone

Facilitating the understanding of quantum mechanics: risks and benefits of Artificial Intelligence in an African context

6 Jul 2023, 11:10
Room 1H (Socrates)

Room 1H


Oral presentation Innovative strategies and pathways to improve physics education at university Hybrid session - early




The present communication aims at proving the benefit of an open inquiry approach of physics instruction for college students, as compared to traditional lecture-based teaching strategies. The challenges presented by the emergence of Artificial Intelligence, are major societal issues to the academic culture. We propose to demonstrate that higher levels of thinking abilities can be achieved by “driving” the students to personally experience the world and struggle for finding solutions to real problems. We have proven it can be done by involving them in highly interesting learning projects and strongly motivating them to actively participate in the scientific endeavour.

How would you like to present your contribution? Hybrid from my own country (early in the conference day, best for Asia, Australia ...)
Target education level (primary) University education
Target education level (secondary, optional) Higher-secondary education



Alvin NYANDEJE (Strathmore University) Dhanushi SALVA (Strathmore University) Eric Ouma JOBUNGA (Technical University of Mombasa) Nicola PIZZOLATO (ICS Maredolce) Prof. Dominique PERSANO ADORNO (University of Palermo)

Presentation materials