15–18 Feb 2011
Europe/London timezone

Reaching RAL


Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Harwell Science and Innovation Campus
OX11 0QX
Tel: +44 (0)1235 445 000
Fax: +44 (0)1235 445 808

Travelling by air

If you're travelling from Heathrow or Gatwick and don't have a (hire) car, then you still have several options for getting to RAL. These are neatly summarised in this document.

Travelling by car

Some directions for travelling to RAL by car can be found here. See also RALs location on Google maps.

Travelling by train

The nearest rail station is Didcot Parkway, which is served by trains from London Paddington. You can then take a taxi from Didcot Parkway station to RAL (approx. £15-£20), or see the section on bus travel.

For train times and tickets, see either National Rail or thetrainline.com.


It takes approximately 15-20 minutes by taxi from Didcot station to RAL, and about 35-40 minutes from Oxford train station.

traintaxi.co.uk is a useful source of information about the various taxi companies serving local stations. Usually there will be a taxi rank at the station, but if necessary you could call and book one of the local taxi companies below (phone numbers taken from traintaxi.co.uk).

Oxford Rail Station
  • Radiotaxis     01865 242424
  • 001     01865 240000
  • City     01865 201201
Didcot Parkway Station
  • Pryors     01235 812345
  • Harolds     01235 512345
  • Bobs     01235 512121

Travelling by bus There is a bus service between Oxford and Harwell Campus via Didcot Parkway Station operated by Thames Travel. Make sure you check the timetable before leaving, as it can take some time. Also, note that the last bus back to Oxford/Didcot station leaves at 18:58.

Timetable and route map.

Upon arrival at RAL When you arrive at RAL, visit the main reception area. This is clearly signposted, and is the only entrance to RAL for non-staff. Reception will have a list of names of those registered for CM29, and will be able to direct you to the conference rooms (or phone for someone to take you).