If you wish to give your talk by phone or video conference, you should be able to use ESnet (instructions here).
Conference ID: 1664
Phone Number: 001 134 988 1664
Our resident expert is Antony Wilson, who will try to help if any problems arise.
Alternatively, we now also have bridged in phone conferencing with the following dial-in numbers:
UK: 0844 4 73 73 73
Switzerland: 0848 560 347
US: 1 712 432 2888
Italy: 0821 230 749
Others listed below
Skype +49 1803 001 178
PIN: 746868 (PIMUNU)
International Dial in numbers
UK: 0844 4 73 73 73
Austria 0820 4000 1502
Belgium 070 35 98 66
France 0821 230 749
Germany 01803 001 177
Ireland 0818 270 007
Italy 848 391 819
Netherlands 0870 001 909
Poland 0801 003 533
South Africa 087 550 0375
Spain 902 885 318
Sweden 0939 2066 300
Switzerland 0848 560 347
United States 1 712 432 2888
Skype +49 1803 001 178
World +44 844 580 0555
Conference ID: 1664
Phone Number: 001 134 988 1664
Our resident expert is Antony Wilson, who will try to help if any problems arise.
Alternatively, we now also have bridged in phone conferencing with the following dial-in numbers:
UK: 0844 4 73 73 73
Switzerland: 0848 560 347
US: 1 712 432 2888
Italy: 0821 230 749
Others listed below
Skype +49 1803 001 178
PIN: 746868 (PIMUNU)
International Dial in numbers
UK: 0844 4 73 73 73
Austria 0820 4000 1502
Belgium 070 35 98 66
France 0821 230 749
Germany 01803 001 177
Ireland 0818 270 007
Italy 848 391 819
Netherlands 0870 001 909
Poland 0801 003 533
South Africa 087 550 0375
Spain 902 885 318
Sweden 0939 2066 300
Switzerland 0848 560 347
United States 1 712 432 2888
Skype +49 1803 001 178
World +44 844 580 0555