9–13 Jul 2023
Hawaii Convention Center
US/Hawaii timezone

C1Po1E-01: Design of the Cryogenic Moderator System for the Second Target Station

10 Jul 2023, 09:15
1h 45m
Exhibit Hall III, Level 1

Exhibit Hall III, Level 1


Jim Janney


The Second Target Station (STS) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory will be a 700 kW pulsed spallation neutron source designed to provide the world’s highest brightness cold neutron beams. In order to produce the required neutron performance, two compact liquid hydrogen moderators are located adjacent to the tungsten spallation target and must be supplied with less than 20K hydrogen and a para hydrogen fraction of 99.8% or greater. The Cryogenic Moderator System (CMS) will consist of a single hydrogen loop feeding the two moderators in series cooled by a helium refrigerator with a cooling capacity of 2.5 kW at 17K. The hydrogen loop consists of a hydrogen circulator, hydrogen helium heat exchanger, ortho-para converter, accumulator, transfer lines and heater. The design of the hydrogen loop is based on the CMS design of the First Target Station at the Spallation Neutron Source and some of the component designs may be reused. General hydrogen temperature control is provided by controlling the flowrate of helium to the heat exchanger. The hydrogen loop will have a constant flowrate of 0.5 L/s and remove a nuclear heat load of about 850 W from the two moderators, which is deposited both directly in the hydrogen and the adjacent hydrogen containing structures. Because the nuclear heat load is accelerator driven, the hydrogen system must remain stable when the heat load is removed instantaneously during beam trips. System stability is maintained passively with the accumulator and actively with the heater. Ionizing radiation which interacts with the liquid hydrogen drives backconversion of the hydrogen from parahydrogen to orthohydrogen. The STS moderator performance is very sensitive to small fractions of orthohydrogen requiring an ortho-para converter to maintain the hydrogen supplied to the moderators at near equilibrium parahydrogen concentration. STS CMS is in the early stage of preliminary design and current focus is evaluating component sizing and system stability during beam transients.


Jim Janney

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