384 / 384
- Jacob Adams (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Yoko Akiyama (Osaka University)
- Naoyuki Amemiya (Kyoto University)
- Kathleen Amm (Brookhaven National Lab)
- Kyle Appel (Washington State University)
- Corey Archipley (Pacific Northwest National Lab)
- Rocky Armstrong (ORNL)
- Philipp Arnold (European Spallation Source)
- Emilio Asensi Conejero (European Spallation Source)
- Ignacio Aviles Santillana (CERN)
- Satoshi Awaji (Tohoku University)
- Rod Badcock (Victoria University of Wellington)
- Junhyuk Bae (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
- Jong Baik (GenH2 Corp.)
Shreyas Balachandran
(National High Magnetic Field Lab)
- Speaker at M3Or3H-01: Introduction
- Speaker at M3Or4M-01: Introduction
- Thanatheepan Balachandran (Hinetics LLC)
Michael Baldwin
- Speaker at C1Or2D-04: Modeling of Cryogenic Heated-Tube Flow Boiling Experiments of Nitrogen and Methane with the Generalized Fluid System Simulation Program
- Speaker at C2Or2C-05: Critical Heat Flux of Liquid Hydrogen, Liquid Methane, and Liquid Oxygen: A Review of Available Data and Predictive Tools
- Speaker at C2Po1D-06: Modeling of Condensation in the Presence of Noncondensables in GFSSP
- Maria Barba (Fermilab)
- John Barclay (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA))
- Wescley Tiago Batista de Sousa (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Lahcene Benkheira
- Daniel Berkowitz Zamora (SCK CEN)
- Jean-Marc Bernhardt (Air Liquide Advanced Technologies (AL-aT))
- Yannick Bessler (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Suhas Bhandarkar (Lawrence Livermore National Lab)
- Ashish Bhardwaj (Los Alamos National Laboratory, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, Center for Advanced Power Systems)
- Henrik-Gerd Bischoff (Technische Universität Dresden)
- Friederike Boehm (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Beam Physics and Technology (IBPT))
- Griffin Bradford (Applied Superconductivity Center)
- Peter Bradley (NIST)
- Muhammad Edgar Bratasena (Yokohama National University)
- Efim Broide (Hebrew University, 91904 Jerusalem, Israel,)
- Romain Bruce (Fermilab)
- Ramesh Budhani (Morgan State University)
- Tom Bullard (UES, Inc.)
- Carl Bunge (MIT)
- Lennard Niclas Busch (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
- Holly Butson (Auckland University of Technology, 55 Wellesley St E, Auckland 1010, New Zealand)
- Ed Canavan
- CG Cantemir (CGC Ultramarin Ltd)
- Qiang Cao (Tongji University)
- Nathaly Andrea Castaneda Quintero (University of Houston)
- Alan Caughley (Callaghan Innovation)
- Hojun Cha (Changwon National University)
- Hon Chan
- Ho-Myung Chang (Hong IK University)
- Wei Chao (Zhejiang University)
- Peter Cheetham
- Liubiao Chen (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Xin Chen (ZJU)
- Weibo Chen
- Aaron Chick (Barber-Nichols, LLC)
- Shalinee Chikara
- Maciej Chorowski (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology)
- Ching-Wu Chu (University of Houston)
- Gitogo Churu (LeTourneau University)
- Leonardo Civale (Retired)
- Lance Cooley
- Bernard Cooper (University of Glasgow, UK)
- Joaquim Creus Prats (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Kaixin Cui (NASA-Johnson Space Center)
- Wei Dai (Technical Institute Of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Matthieu Dalban-Canassy (Absolut System)
- Andrew Dalesandro (Commonwealth Fusion Systems)
- Pascale Dauguet (Air Liquide)
- Brian DeGraff (ORNL)
- Maurice Dekker (DEMACO HOLLAND B.V.)
- Laurent Delprat (CERN)
- Hendrie Derking (Cryoworld BV)
- Jennifer Detlor (UW Madison)
- Aman Kumar Dhillon (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Ram Dhuley (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Michael DiPirro
- Speaker at C3Or4A-03: Finding a low temperature leak
- Tisha Dixit (CEA Paris-Saclay, France)
- Johannes Doll (TU Dresden)
- Robert Duckworth
- Paweł Duda (Wroclaw University of Technology)
- Stephen Dunn (Sumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics of America Inc)
- Jean-Marc Duval
- Fabien Ebling (Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM)
- Huw Edwards (University of Bristol)
- Sebastian Eisenhut (TU Dresden, Professur für Kälte-, Kryo- und Kompressorentechnik)
- Anil Erol (Northrop Grumman)
- Xiaoyu Fan (Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry)
- Chushu Fang
- Yu Fangqiu (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Joshua Feldman (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Peter Ferrara (Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division)
- James Fesmire (GenH2)
- James Fritz
- Kerry Frohling (Iris Technology Corporation)
- Liang Fu (MIT)
- Joel Fuerst (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Luc Gaffet (Air Liquide)
- Santhosh Kumar Gandla (Sumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics of America Inc)
- Peifeng Gao (Lanzhou University)
- Tushar Garg (The Ohio State University)
- William Gash (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Maile Giffin (Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment)
- Matthew Gilbert
- Yulia Gitter (Washington State University HYPER Lab)
- Paul Gloyer (Gloyer-Taylor Laboratories Inc.)
- Pallab Goswami (Northwestern University)
- Nolan Goth (ORNL)
- Lukas Graber (Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Maximilian Grabowski (Technische Universität Dresden, Institute of Power Engineering, Bitzer-Chair of Refrigeration, Cryogenics and Compressor Technology Dresden, Germany)
- Michael Green (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory)
- Jonathan Greenfield (Arizona State University)
- Ryan Grotenrath (NASA Glenn Research Center)
- Pat Gumann (IBM)
- Chloe Gunderson (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Rendong Guo (中国科学院理化技术研究所)
- Hanxiao Guo (Lanzhou University)
- Yang Guo (The Ohio State University)
- Wenyong Guo (Beijing Jiaotong University)
- Jia Guo (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Jin Hai (Tsinghua University)
- Ben Hamilton (MIT)
- Ke Han
- Stefan Hanke (National High Magnetic Field Lab, FSU)
- Timothy Hanrahan (Cryomech, Inc)
- Xihuan Hao (Cryomech, Inc.)
- Percy Harrell (ORNL)
- Ainsley Hart (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Jason Hartwig (NASA Glenn Research Center)
- Karl Hartwig
- Nusair Hasan (Michigan State University/ Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB))
Timothy Haugan
(U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory)
- Speaker at M2Po2A-02: Design of a 40-MW-Class Electric Wire Interconnect System for Liquid-H2 Fuel-cell Aircraft Propulsion
- Speaker at M2Po2E-05: Increased current density and pinning force in Ca - doped YBa2Cu3O7-δ / BaZrO3 multilayer thin films over a wide temperature range of 77K – 5K with an applied field of 0 – 9 Tesla
- Speaker at M3Or1C-03: [Invited] Benefits of Alternate Cryogenic Fuels for Logistics and Thermal Management of Aerospace Transportation
- Speaker at M3Or4O-04: [Invited] Historical Progress of Artificial Pinning Center Additions in (Y,RE)BaCuO Coated Conductors
- Speaker at M3Or4P-02: AC Loss of Metallic and Superconductor Electric Wires at high B*dB/dt Measured by Calorimetric Method for High Power Density Rotating Machines
- Speaker at M2Po2A-01: Magneto-structural phase transitions and two-dimensional spin waves in graphite
Ming He
(Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry,CAS)
- Speaker at C2Po2B-01: Design and development of vehicle cryo-compressed hydrogen storage vessel
- Speaker at C2Po2B-02: Model establishment and process analysis of liquid hydrogen energy storage
- Speaker at C2Po2B-06: Study on the factors influencing the catalytic performance of Ortho-Para hydrogen catalysts
- Speaker at C1Po1C-04: Efficiency improvement of small cryogenic helium turbo-expanders in TIPC
- Speaker at C1Po1C-05: Theoretical and Experimental study of High Speed tilting Pad Gas Bearings
- Speaker at C1Po2C-02: Influence of key parameters on the suction valve’s backflow volume in liquid hydrogen piston pump
- Speaker at C1Po2C-03: Theoretical power consumption analysis of pressurization process of reciprocating liquid hydrogen piston pump
- Speaker at C2Po1D-03: Exergy Analysis and Improvement of Helium Internal Purifier
- Speaker at C2Po1E-02: Numerical study of the heat transfer characteristics of recuperative heat exchangers under intermittent alternating flow
- Ali Hedayat (NASA-MSFC)
- Eric Hellstrom (Applied Superconductivity Center - National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
- Pete Higgins (GenH2 Corp.)
- Takehiro Himeno (The University of Tokyo)
- Jens Höhne (Pressure Wave Systems GmbH)
- Matthew Hollister (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Jonathon Howard (The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
- Matthew Howell (UT Battelle/ORNL)
- Zeric Hulvey (U.S. Department of Energy)
- Teruhito Iida (Task, inc.)
- Artur Iluk (Wrocław University of Science and Technology)
- Aniket Ingrole (NHMFL)
- Masataka Iwakuma (Kyushu University)
- Akifumi Iwamoto
- Teruo Izumi (Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
- Christopher James (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Bryan James (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
- Jim Janney
- Yeon-Jae Jeong (Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea)
- Minsub Jeong
- Hyeon-Jong Jeong (Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea)
- Zhiyi Jiang
- Mingyue Jiang
- Di Jiang
- Zhenan Jiang (Victoria University of Wellington)
- Huan Jin (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Wesley Johnson
(NASA Glenn Research Center)
- Speaker at C3Or2A-01: Transient Liquefaction on the Lunar or Martian Surface Operational Demonstration
- Speaker at C3Or3B-04: Assessment of Insulation Systems for Aircraft Liquid Hydrogen Tanks
- Speaker at C3Or4D-03: [Invited] NASA Cryogenic Fluid Management Flight Demonstration Summary: Lockheed Martin 2020 Tipping Point
- Speaker at M3Or1C-02: [Invited] NASA Assessment of Liquid Hydrogen Aircraft Opportunities and Technologies
- John Jurns (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
- Thomas Just (Technische Universität Dresden)
- Swarn Kalsi (Kalsi Green Power Systems, LLC)
- Hom Kandel (University of Wisconsin-Parkside)
- Ali Kashani (ASRC Federal)
- Vadim Kashikhin (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Marcel Keezer (Cryoworld BV)
- Sean Kenny (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center)
- Kunihito Kikuchi (Fujikura Ltd.)
- Akihiro Kikuchi (National Institute for Materials Science)
- Jaemin Kim (Seoul National University)
- Seojeong Kim (Institute for Basic Science)
- Yubin Kim (Changwon National University)
- Bokeum Kim (KAIST)
- Kiyoshi Kinefuchi (Nagoya University)
Takanobu Kiss
- Speaker at M1Or1A-01: Comparative study between 77 K, self-field Ic and that of in-field and 4.2 K based on high throughput reel-to-reel continuous Ic measurements on a PLD processed long REBCO coated conductor
- Speaker at M3Or3H-04: [Invited] Electro-magnetic tape width of REBCO coated conductors characterized by reel-to-reel scanning Hall-probe magnetic microscopy
- Junseok Ko
- Norimitsu Koga (Kanazawa University)
- Xhesika Koroveshi (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
- Sergey Koshelev (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Logan Kossel (University of Wisconsin–Madison)
Chris Kovacs
(Scintillating Solutions LLC)
- Speaker at M1Or1C-05: Cryoresistive aluminum-beryllium nanocomposites for aerospace electrical conductors
- Speaker at M2Or3J-04: [Invited] A Double Rotor Flux Switching Machine with High-Temperature-Superconductor Field Coils for Transportation Applications
- Speaker at M3Or4N-02: [Invited] Cryoresistive and superconductive aerospace main power transmission cables
- Alexey Koveshnikov (TRIUMF)
- Duncan Kroll (The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
- Anna Krzak (Silesian University of Technology)
- Parag Kshirsagar (Raytheon Technologies Research Center)
- Hiroaki Kumakura (National Institute for Materials Science)
- Taichi Kuroki (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)
- Jin Kwon (The Ohio State University)
- Yi-Chieh Lai (Department of Safety, Health and Environmental Engineering, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology)
- Thomas Latella (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CEA, IRIG-DSBT, 38000 Grenoble, France)
- Jacob Leachman (Washington State University)
- Cheonkyu Lee (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology)
- Jaehwan Lee (Changwon National University)
- Ki Woong Lee (Institution for Basic Science)
- Soo Yeol Lee (Chungnam National University)
- Yongduk Lee
- Anna Leese de Escobar (Laconic Infrastructure Partners)
- Yilin Lei (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy o)
- Haibing Li (Lihan Cryogenics)
- Yi Li (Johns Hopkins University)
- Ping Liu (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Zhiqiang Long (Siemens Heathinners)
- Clément Louriou (Airbus)
- Grant Lumsden
- Fang Luo (Stony Brook University)
- Yuexue Ma (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS)
- Shutaro Machiya (Daido university)
- Ian Mackinnon (Queensland University of Technology)
Ryuji Maekawa
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Speaker at C2Po2E-05: Dynamic simulation of CHL at SNS
- Goran Majkic
Milan Majoros
(The Ohio State University)
- Speaker at C2Or2B-01: Bio-LNG cooling of a high power density induction electromotor for electric aircraft propulsion
- Speaker at M1Po2C-01: Magnetic, mechanical and thermal modeling of a conduction cooled superconducting whole body actively shielded 2T MgB2 open gradient magnet for proton therapy applications.
- MIlan Majoros (Ohio State University)
- Marius Manea (STÖHR)
H. Alan Mantooth
(University of Arkansas)
- Speaker at M4Or1B-01: [Invited] Technologies and Topologies for Cryogenic-Based Electric Aircraft
- Speaker at M3Or4N-03: [Invited] GaN HEMT and Air Core Magnetics based Power Converters Evaluations at Cryogenic Temperature
- Speaker at M3Or4N-04: [Invited] LTspice modeling for GaN-GIT HEMT including cryogenic temperature
- Qussai Marashdeh (Tech4Imaging, LLC)
- Alexander Martinez (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Nicholas Masluk (IBM)
- Takuya Matsumoto (Japan Superconductor Technology, Inc.)
- Konstantin Matveev (Washington State University)
- Ian McKinley (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology)
- Ziad Melhem
- Paul Mensah (Florida State University)
- Mariano Mercado (NASA Glenn Research Center)
- Mike Meyer (NASA)
- Frederic Micolon (BNL)
- Masashi Miura (Seikei University)
- Christopher Mizzi (Los Alamos National Lab)
- Emmanuel Monneret (CERN)
- David Montanari (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
- Bradley Moore (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology)
- D.S. Nadig (Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India)
- Kota Nakamura (Sophia University)
- Youngsuk Nam (Korea Advanced Institute of Technology and Science)
Shankar Narayan
(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
- Speaker at M1Po2C-03: Fabrication and Performance Characterization of Electrospun Nanofibers for Terrestrial and Space Applications
- Speaker at M3Or1A-04: Design and Analysis of Wavelength-selective Nanofibers as Compact and Lightweight Thermal Coatings for Cryogen Applications in Deep Space Missions
- Linh Nguyen (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Thomas Nicol (Fermilab)
- Shigehiro Nishijima (Fukui University of Technology)
- So Noguchi (Hokkaido University)
- William Notardonato
- Xavier Obradors
- Tatsunori Okada (Tohoku University)
- Yoshinori Ono (National Institute for Materials Science)
- Kozo Osamura
- Michael Osofsky (Towson University)
- Richard Ottens (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
- Toshinori Ozaki (Kwansei Gakuin University)
- Christopher Palmstrom (University of California, Santa Barbara)
- Sastry Pamidi (FAMU-FSU College of Engineering)
- Wei Pan (Sandia National Labs)
- Wei Pan (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Jiho Park (Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials)
- Mijeong Park (IBS/RISP)
- Bhushan Patil (Graduate research assistant)
- Shrikant Pattalwar (UKRI-STFC Daresbury Laboratory)
- Xiangxiang Pei (Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Zhejiang University)
- Liujin Pei (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Haiyue Pei (Key Laboratory of 3D Micro/Nano Fabrication and Characterization of Zhejiang Province School of Engineering Westlake University Hangzhou 310024, P. R. China)
- Xuan Peng (Hyper Tech Research Inc.)
- Christopher Perry (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Justin Pesich (NASA Glenn Research Center)
- Dirk Pflueckhahn (SLAC)
- John Pfotenhauer (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
- Martin Pohl (Technische Universität Dresden, Institute for Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology)
- Jonathan Prance
- Abhishek Purandare (University of Twente)
- Haoying Qi (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS)
- Limin Qi (Westlake University)
- Ashwin Ravichandran (KBR Inc., NASA Ames Research Center)
- Viswanath Ravindranath (Stanford University)
- Jordan Raymond (First Mode)
- William Reaves (Cryogenics Test Laboratory, Kennedy Space Center)
- John Reed (ULA)
- Olaf Rehme (Siemens AG)
- Lauren Reising (Washington State University)
- Chris Rey (e2P)
- Nicholas Rich (Northrop Grumman)
- Ian Richardson (Plug Power)
- Dayne Robinson
Jacob Rochester
- Speaker at M1Or3F-03: Nucleation and Growth of Oxide Nanoparticles in APC Nb3Sn
- Speaker at M2Po2B-03: Magnetization, Flux Creep, and AC Loss in a Bi-2212 Conductor for Particle Accelerator Applications
- Speaker at M3Or3J-01: [Invited] Dual Flux Pinning Mechanisms and the Effect of Microstructure on Pinning and Critical Current in APC Nb3Sn
- Thibault Romand (Caltech)
Eberhard Rosenthal
(Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
- Speaker at C1Po1E-05: Presentation of the commissioning and testing of the hydrogen cryostat of the cryogenic moderator system at the ZEA-1 (Forschungszentrum Jülich) for the European Spallation Source ESS
- Speaker at C1Po1F-06: Presentation of the ZEA-1 cryostat control and measurement system architecture
- Cody Schaefer (NASA)
- Justin Scheidler (NASA Glenn Research Center)
- Sonja Schlachter (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- David Schlegel (Technische Universität Dresden, Boysen-TU Dresden-Research Training Group)
- Jack-Andre Schmidt (Justus-Liebig University Giessen, Germany)
- Joshua Schmitt (Southwest Research Institute)
- Tobias Schnautz (DESY)
- Frederick James Schwartz Li (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
- Valentino Seferai
- Venkat Selvamanickam (University of Houston)
- Luigi Serio (CERN)
Xinran Shan
(Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry)
- Speaker at C3Po1C-04: The development and performance of superconducting magnetic separation water treatment technology
- Speaker at C3Po1C-07: High-gradient magnetic separation for wastewater treatment based on direct-conduction cooling superconducting magnets with large diameter, room temperature aperture
- Tengming Shen (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Matthew Shenton (Washington State University)
- Jun-ichi Shimoyama (Aoyama Gakuin University)
Hyung-Seop Shin
- Speaker at M2Or3H-03: [Invited] A report on the international round-robin test for electromechanical properties of HTS composite tapes by uniaxial tensile testing at liquid nitrogen temperature
- Speaker at M2Po2C-05: Characterization of delamination behaviors in REBCO coated conductor tapes under transverse loading
- Yuko Shiroyanagi (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Quansheng Shu (Retired Scientist)
- Kevin Simmons (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
- Amanda Simpson (Airbus Americas, Inc.)
- A. Smith (Raytheon Technologies Research Center)
- Sarah Smith (ORNL)
- Ryan Snodgrass (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder)
- Shogo Sonoda (Sophia University)
- William Soyars (Fermilab)
- Nassos Spetsieris (National Physical Laboratory)
- Rick Spijkers (University of Twente)
- Michal Stanclik (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology)
Wolfgang Stautner
(General Electric Global Research)
- Speaker at C1Or3D-01: [Invited] Cryogenic aspects of a 20 MW class superconducting generator for the Renewables industry
- Speaker at C1Or3D-05: Novel superconducting propulsor cooling method for All-Electric Aircraft
- Speaker at C2Po2B-10: Best Safety Practices in Liquid Hydrogen Infrastructure and Fueling
- Speaker at C4Or1C-02: Impact of Internal Baffle Designs on Liquid Hydrogen Sloshing in Cryogenic Aircraft Fuel Tanks
- Jeewan Subedi (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Mike Sumption
(The Ohio State University)
- Speaker at M2Or3J-03: [Invited] Tuned windings - the window of opportunity for the implementation of solid conductors in high frequency cryogenic electric machines
- Speaker at M4Or1A-01: [Invited] Magnetization and current sharing in REBCO cables and their impact on field error in Accelerator magnets
- Zheng Sun (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)
- Yuwei Sun (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry CAS)
- Liang Sun (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China)
- ZuHawn Sung (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Adam Swanger
(NASA Kennedy Space Center)
- Speaker at C2Or3C-05: Cryogenic Modules for Synergistic O2 Generation and CO2 Retention in Closed-Circuit Escape Respirators
- Speaker at C4Or1C-03: Vacuum Pump-Down of the Annular Insulation Space for Large Field-Erected Liquid Hydrogen Storage Tanks
- Speaker at M3Or2D-02: Preliminary Experimental Studies into the Storage Capacity of Cryogenic Hydrogen in Aerogel Blanket Materials
- Speaker at C1Po1A-02: Energy of Fluid (EOF) Simulation of Large-Scale Densification and Solidification of Hydrogen
- Speaker at C3Po1B-06: Development of a Portable Stand-Alone 20 K Brayton Cycle Helium Refrigeration System
- Minoru Takeda (Kobe University)
- Greg Tatkowski (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Hideki Tatsumoto
(European Spallation Source)
- Speaker at C1Or2B-03: Simulation of the cool-down process for the ESS cryogenic moderator system
- Speaker at C1Po1E-04: Development status of the in-situ measurement system for ortho-to-parahydrogen fractions for the ESS cryogenic moderator system
- Speaker at C3Or3A-04: [Invited] Commissioning of the ESS large-scale 20 K helium refrigeration system for the cryogenic moderator system
- Speaker at C3Po1A-05: Effect of a thermal fluctuation caused by a proton beam injection on the ESS large-scale 20 K helium refrigeration system
- Speaker at C3Po1B-05: Study of operational modes of cool-down and warm-up processes for the ESS large-scale 20 K helium refrigeration system
- Ryan Taylor (Ball Aerospace)
- Zachary Taylor (Gloyer-Taylor Laboratories Inc.)
- Herman ten kate (University of Twente)
- Erin Tesny (NASA Glenn Research Center)
- Michael Tomsic (Hyper Tech Research Inc.)
- Philipp Treite (Linde Kryotechnik AG)
- Mani Tripathi (UC Davis)
- Joshua Truchon
- Jeff Trudell
Huang-Hsiu Tsai
(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Speaker at C3Po1A-01: The Study and Improvement of Pressure Degradation of Helium Cryogenic System at NSRRC
- Speaker at C1Po1C-06: The variable frequency driver upgrade for cryogenic system
- Speaker at C2Po2D-01: Development of the Liquid Nitrogen Cooling system for Cryogenic Permanent-Magnet Undulator at NSRRC
- Liam Turner (Monash University)
- James Tuttle (NASA)
- Nir Tzabar (Ariel University)
- Owen Vail
- Jared Valois (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Srinivas Vanapalli (University of Twente)
- Marco Vietze (MT Aerospace)
- Parmit Singh Virdi (Florida State University)
- Murthy V V S (Doctoral Candidate, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology)
- Robert Walsh
- Fang Wan (Fermi National Accelerator Lab)
Dongliang Wang
(Institute of Electrical Engineering, CAS)
- Speaker at M2Or3H-04: [Invited] Review on the investigations of uniaxial stress susceptibility of pre-over pressure reacted Bi-2212 round wires for fusion high-field magnet application
- Speaker at M3Or3H-07: [Invited] Fabrication and transport properties of multifilament Cu/Ag/Ba-122 iron-based superconducting wires
- Speaker at M4Or1A-03: [Invited] IBS conductors developed for high field accelerator magnets
- Speaker at M4Or1A-04: [Invited] IBS cables, model coils and application prospects on future high-energy accelerators
- Yunxiao Wang (Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- ZeKun Wang
Jin Zhen Wang
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Speaker at C1Or3C-02: Research on the matching supply of power and cold energy of liquid hydrogen cold chain logistics vehicles
- Speaker at C2Po2E-07: Simulation and optimization of reliquefication refrigerator for cryogenic liquid
- Speaker at C1Po1C-01: Analysis and optimization on heat leakage structure of cold compressor in large-scale refrigeration system
- Speaker at C1Po2C-01: Design of 10 L/s liquid hydrogen pump with integrated inducer and centrifugal impeller
- Speaker at C2Po2B-04: The design and development of the cryogenic compressed gas refueling system
- Speaker at C3Po1B-04: Development of an 18 kW@4.5 K & 4 kW@2 K Helium Refrigerator
- Junjie Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry)
- Guopeng Wang (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS)
- James Wang (Monash University)
- Fred Wang (UTK)
Li Wang
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
- Speaker at C2Po2D-03: Design of GRETA cooling systems
- Christina Weber (RI Research Instruments GmbH)
- Shaoqing Wei (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Peng Wei
Klaus-Peter Weiss
(KIT, Institute for Technical Physics)
- Speaker at M3Or1A-01: Cryogenic Hydrogen and testing methods: microstructural and mechanical properties under cryogenic hydrogen environment
- Speaker at M3Or2F-01: [Invited] Cryogenic thermo-physical properties of additive manufactured materials
- Speaker at M3Or2D-03: Macro and microscopic properties of 304 steel long-term exposed to liquid hydrogen
- Frank Werfel (Adelwitz Technologiezentrum GmbH (ATZ))
- Kjell Westra (Washington State University)
- Michael White (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Michael Wood (Washington State University)
- Judy Wu (University of Kansas)
- Shiguang Wu (State Key Laboratory of Infrared Physics, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciencess)
- Mingzhong Wu (Colorado State University)
- Liang Wu (University of Pennsylvania)
- Xin Wu (ARPA-E)
- Dirui Wu (Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Arvi Xhahi (Nikhef/University of Twente)
- Yue Xiang
- Xingchen Xu (Fermi National Accelerator Lab)
Shengchen Xue
(Ohio State University)
- Speaker at M1Or1A-05: Magnetization and flux creep analysis for STAR Coated Conductor cable
- Speaker at M3Or1B-04: FEM analysis of transient current sharing in REBCO coated conductor cables
- Speaker at M3Or4P-05: Magnetization ac losses, magnetization measurement, and creep analysis of Ni-plated Roebel Cable for particle accelerator applications
- Shaoqi Yang (Techinical Institute of Physics & Chemistry, CAS)
- Biao Yang (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Aogu Yasuda (Industrial Equipment Division, Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
- Junghyun Yoo (Institute for basic science)
- Sungwoon Yoon (Institute for Basic Science)
- Dina Yuryev (Commonwealth Fusion Systems)
- Yujia Zhai (State Key Laboratory of Infrared Physics, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Xiaohua Zhang
(Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS)
- Speaker at C1Po1C-02: The static and dynamic characteristics of hydrostatic journal gas bearing lubricated by hydrogen in cryogenic turbine expander in large hydrogen liquefier
- Speaker at C1Po1C-03: The theoretical research on static and dynamic characteristics of orifice throttling hydrostatic thrust gas bearing of helium cryogenic turbine expander
- Speaker at C1Po2A-07: Dynamic Loading Capacity Test System of Thrust Gas Bearing of Cryogenic Turbo Expander
- Kai Zhang (Zhangjiang Laboratory, Shanghai)
- Xianhao Zhang
- Yibing Zhang (Lihan Cryogenics)
- Yameng Zhang (Lanzhou University)
- Yuchen Zhao (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry)
- Maowen Zheng (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Maowen Zheng
(Technical Insititute of Physics and Chemistry)
- Speaker at C1Po2A-04: The Simulation and Experiments of A High Frequency Single Stage Pulse Tube Cryocooler with Two Cooled Sinks
- Speaker at C1Po2A-05: Design and Optimization of a High Frequency Miniature Pulse Tube Cryocooler
- Speaker at C2Po1C-01: Thermodynamic and exergetic evaluation of CO2 liquefaction for ship transport
- Chao Zhou
- Wenxin Zhu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
- Zhongyu Zou (Institute of Plasma Physics, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Igor Zutic (University of Buffalo)