A design for a 4.2 K cryostat to support superconducting undulator (SCU) magnets is being developed as part of an SCU free electron laser (FEL) technology demonstrator. An array of several cryostats will be installed as an afterburner at the end of the existing hard x-ray beam line of the LCLS-II facility at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC). Cryostat requirements include high operational availability, precision positioning and measurement capability to support beam-based alignment, high undulator magnet packing fraction, operational transparency to the electron beam, and compatibility with the existing LCLS hardware and space constraints. A cryocooler-based refrigeration system is appropriate given the scale and operational profile of the demonstration. The design is being developed as part of a collaboration between SLAC and Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and draws on ANL’s experience with SCUs at the Advanced Photon Source.