9–13 Jul 2023
Hawaii Convention Center
US/Hawaii timezone

C1Po2C-02: Influence of key parameters on the suction valve’s backflow volume in liquid hydrogen piston pump

10 Jul 2023, 14:00
Exhibit Hall III, Level 1

Exhibit Hall III, Level 1


Ming He (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry,CAS)


Liquid hydrogen piston pump is the key equipment in the process of storage, transportation and refueling of liquid hydrogen. The timely motions of suction and discharge valves are beneficial to the transport performance and volumetric efficiency of the pump. This paper sets up an operation frame of liquid hydrogen piston pump in which reciprocating piston and check valves with conical spool interact. Backflow caused by lagging motion of spool is more likely to be observed in suction valves than in discharge valves. Based on the system simulation, the influence of spring stiffness, half-cone angle of conical spool and dead volume of compression chamber on suction valve’s backflow volume are analyzed. The results show that both increase of spring stiffness and decrease of half-cone angle of conical spool in the proper range can reduce the backflow volume at the suction valve. Increased dead volume allows backflow in the suction valve at the beginning and end of suction. The larger the dead volume, the smaller the rate of pressure change and the larger the backflow volume. This work helps to optimize the design parameters and improve the volumetric efficiency of the liquid hydrogen piston pump.


Wei Wu (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry,CAS)


Shaoqi Yang Xiujuan Xie (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Prof. Linghui Gong (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry,CAS) Ming He (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry,CAS)

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