9–13 Jul 2023
Hawaii Convention Center
US/Hawaii timezone

C2Po2B-09: Design and construction of 1,300 L zero-boil off (ZBO) liquid hydrogen storage tank

11 Jul 2023, 14:00
Exhibit Hall III, Level 1

Exhibit Hall III, Level 1


Jiho Park (Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials)


A 1,300 liter-capacity liquid hydrogen (LH2) storage tank has been designed and constructed. The thermal insulation system of the LH2 storage tank is designed to have a boil-off rate (BOR) of 1.5 vol.%/day and a refrigeration system is introduced to achieve zero-boil off (ZBO) of LH2. A multi-stage GM-type pulse tube refrigerator (PT815, Cryomech) is utilized for the refrigeration system. The LH2 storage tank is mainly composed of a radiation shield and an internal reservoir. The aluminum shield is conductively cooled by the first stage of the pulse tube cryocooler and it also equips a vapor-cooled loop for rapid initial cooling. The stainless-steel reservoir has a fin-array to suppress pressure elevation due to the vaporized hydrogen at its top side. The fin-array is cooled by the second stage of the pulse-tube cryocooler and it is made of oxygen-free high conductivity (OFHC) cooper. The fin-array is brazed with the reservoir body and it is designed to have a proper thermal resistance between them. The annular space between the outer shell and the internal reservoir is evacuated down to 10-5 mbar.


Jiho Park (Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials)


Hyobong Kim (Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials) Jongwoo Kim (Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials) Dr Junseok Ko (Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials) Sehwan In (Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials) Seokho Kim (Changwon National University) Seongje Park (Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials)

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