9–13 Jul 2023
Hawaii Convention Center
US/Hawaii timezone

C3Or2C-04: Neon pulsating heat pipe with innovative flexible evaporator to facilitate cryocooling of superconducting devices

12 Jul 2023, 11:45



Dr Tisha Dixit (CEA Paris-Saclay, France)


Cryogenic pulsating heat pipes (PHP), also termed oscillating heat pipes, are passive thermal links that transfer heat by oscillatory motion of two-phase cryogen confined in serpentine-shaped capillary tubes. It is composed of three sections, namely, the condenser (cold sink), the evaporator (heat source) and the adiabatic part that can range from several centimetres to few metres. In spite of longer lengths, PHPs hold an advantage that their weight does not radically increase in comparison to counterparts like metallic thermal straps.
Comprehensive experimental investigation of cryogenic PHPs has been taken up at the Department of Accelerators, Cryogenics and Magnetism (DACM) within the Institute of Fundamental Research of the Universe (IRFU) at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) Paris-Saclay centre. The aim is to present cryogenic PHPs as one of the potential thermal links aiding in distant cooling of superconducting devices from active cryocoolers. A 0.4 m long neon PHP with 1 mm capillary tube diameter has been recently developed characterized by one of the highest thermal conductance reported till date both in vertical and horizontal orientation.
An innovative modification in the construction of PHP evaporator is showcased in this article. This would considerably enhance the flexibility of PHPs in terms of their employment geometrically within the target application. Pilot experimental results for neon PHP coupled with the altered evaporator is presented for heat load up to 18 W. Additionally, its performance against that of a neon PHP with conventional evaporator is evaluated.


Dr Tisha Dixit (CEA Paris-Saclay, France)


Mr Gilles Authelet (CEA Paris-Saclay, France) Mr Charles Mailleret (CEA Paris-Saclay, France) Mr Florian Gouit (CEA Paris-Saclay, France) Mr Vadim Stepanov (CEA Paris-Saclay, France) Dr Bertrand Baudouy (CEA Paris-Saclay, France)

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