9–13 Jul 2023
Hawaii Convention Center
US/Hawaii timezone

M3Or2D-03: Macro and microscopic properties of 304 steel long-term exposed to liquid hydrogen

12 Jul 2023, 11:30



Dr Klaus-Peter Weiss (KIT, Institute of Technical Physics)


Energy from hydrogen is an appropriate technological choice in the context of sustainable development and for a future CO2-neutral society. Within the framework of the national hydrogen lead projects, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is working with project partners of the technology platform "TransHyDE" in the lead project "AppLHy!" on the transport and application of liquid hydrogen (LH2). LH2 offers important advantages like its high purity, high energy density, storage at low pressure and the provision of a cryogenic temperature level that can be feasible for implementation in transportation applications.
Although austenitic steels have been implemented in LH2 direct contact for decades now, detailed microstructural and mechanical studies are still missing for 20 K/ that low temperature regime. With an austenitic LH2 vessel that has been in long-term condition with H2 exposure in the cryogenic regime as study model, a comprehensive study of the influence of gaseous H2 and LH2 on the micro and macro properties of the vessel were carried out. For a complete study and verification of the well-equipped H2 & LH2 facilities at KIT, a second short-term hydrogen exposure on the vessel has been carried out.
Within this contribution, the long-term results as well as the short-term exposure will be presented and discussed.


Mr Monzer Maarouf (KIT, Institute of Technical Physics)


Dr Camelia Schulz (KIT, Institute of Technical Physics) Mr Christian Herwerth (Linde Engineering) Prof. Astrid Pundt (KIT, Institute for Applied Materials – Materials Science and Engineering) Dr Klaus-Peter Weiss (KIT, Institute of Technical Physics)

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