9–13 Jul 2023
Hawaii Convention Center
US/Hawaii timezone

C1Or2A-02: Development of Brayton Circulating Cooling System

10 Jul 2023, 11:15



Santhosh Kumar Gandla (Sumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics of America Inc)


The Brayton Circulating Cooling System is a unique refrigeration system developed as a technology demonstration for providing cold helium gas refrigeration at high pressures to an external superconducting magnet or any remote load for cool down purposes. The system is designed to provide cool down refrigeration from room temperature to target minimum temperatures of approximately 40K.
The system consists of an F-70H helium compressor with gas control manifold, interconnecting gas lines, cables, the Brayton refrigeration unit mounted in a Dewar assembly and a control system. Electricity, cooling water for the compressor and a source of helium (99.995%) for make-up gas are the only required utilities. The prototype achieved 1300W at 291K and minimum temperature of 56K when measured with an external heat load simulator. The scope of the project, system design, target specifications and summary of test results will be discussed in this paper.


Santhosh Kumar Gandla (Sumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics of America Inc)


Dr Ralph Longsworth (Sumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics of America Inc) Mr Robert Sloan (Sumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics of America Inc)

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