C1Po1F: Instrumentation, Visualization, and Controls I
- Austin Capers (Scientific Instruments)
- Scott Courts (Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc.)
Abstract- The 325MHz Single Spoke Resonator 1 (SSR1) twelve cavities Cryomodule (CM) is 5.3-meter length and it has 288 liter liquid helium @ 2K mode, The High Beta 650 MHz (HB650) six elliptical cavity cryomodules is 9.92 meter and it has 530 liter liquid helium @2K mode. The SSR1 and HB650 CM had been tested at Fermilab PIP2 IT in the Cryomodule Test Facility (CMTF). Their synoptic/EPICS...
The cryogenic distribution system (CDS) at the European Spallation Source (ESS) connects the refrigeration plant with the linear accelerator, consisting in 13 spoke and 30 elliptical cryomodules that are cooled at 2K via multi-transfer lines, individual valveboxes for every cryomodule and an endbox. The designed control system monitors and controls the cooling helium flow through the CDS.
Chambers A and B are two large thermal vacuum chambers at Johnson Space Center which enable space simulation for unmanned and human-rated missions, respectively. With the resurgence in deep space missions for scientific research and various private commercial ventures, these chambers are expected to be used frequently for at least the next decade. For qualifying the James Webb Space...
In the process of isothermal demagnetization of the adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator, the proportional–integral–derivative controller (PID controller) is often used to control the temperature stability and achieve the optimal response by adjusting the control parameters (proportional term Kp, integral term Ki, derivative term Kd). However, the manual tuning of the PID control parameters...
The ZEA-1 cryostat is a setup to enable experiments with liquid hydrogen in a closed cycle. The cryostat has a modular design so that it can be adapted to specific needs. The cryostat is used, among other things, to provide liquid hydrogen for neutron moderators. Therefore, the cryostat must be operated where neutrons can be provided, i.e. where there are either nuclear reactors or spallation...
There is a Rare isotope Accelerator complex for ON–line experiments (RAON), which is a heavy ion superconducting linear accelerator, in South Korea. The RAON Control System uses Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS), that is known as distributed soft real-time control systems for scientific instruments. The cryogenic system is comprised of many devices and actuators from...
The cool-down logic and the control system for the cryogenic distribution system of RAON Superconducting Linac 3 (SCL3) are described. SCL3 consists of 55 CMs, including 22 quarter wave resonant (QWR) type and 33 half wave resonant (HWR) type CMs, a helium distribution box (DBx), and an end box (EBx). In order to control thousands of actuators, an automatic control system is constructed to...