C2Po1B: Superconducting IV: Cryogenic System Applications
- Sastry Pamidi (Center for Advanced Power Systems, Florida State University)
- Wolfgang Stautner (GE Global Research)
The microwave signals used to control the qubit states need to be virtually free of noise and any electrical disturbance, so they must be carefully filtered before the microwave signals reach the sensitive quantum processor. In consideration of the requirement of miniaturization, we present a development of miniaturized multiplexers for a quantum computer. A high temperature superconducting...
This article presents a novel high-temperature superconducting (HTS) dual-band bandpass filter using quadruple-mode resonator. The quadruple-mode resonator consists of one square ring resonator and two open-stubs. Through odd- and even-mode method, two even-mode frequencies of the proposed resonator can be independently controlled by two open-stubs compared with ordinary square ring resonator....
An ANL-SLAC collaboration is working on a design of a planar superconducting undulator (SCU) demonstrator to be tested at SLAC Free Electron Laser (FEL). The demonstrator cryostat is multi-segmented, and each segment includes a ~1.5-m-long superconducting undulator as well as other magnetic components like a phase shifter and a beam position monitor (BPM). This LHe-based cryostat is cooled by...
We have been studied a magnetic levitation system which is constructed of a high temperature superconducting (HTS) coil, a HTS bulk, and an iron rail. The levitation force is generated by using bending of magnetic flux lines due to a magnetic shielding effect of the HTS bulk. In our former works, we constructed desktop-size experimental arrangement, demonstrated the levitation properties, and...
Following the first successful demonstration of accelerating gradients up to 10 MV/m on a conduction-cooled 650 MHz SRF cavity in 2020, Fermilab has embarked on the design and construction of a compact SRF e-beam accelerator based on this novel cavity cryocooling technique. This accelerator will deliver a 1.6 MeV, 20 kW electron beam and is poised to be used for industrial applications such as...