C2Po1C: Large Scale Refrigeration / Liquefaction II
- Li Wang (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Shrikant Pattalwar (STFC UKRI)
As a crucial component of carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) projects, CO2 transport makes sense for expanding the scale of CO2 utilization. And CO2 liquefaction is significant to ensure transportation safety and improve efficiency. In the demand for long-distance transport on the sea, using ship instead of pipeline is considered more competitive. Aiming at the temperature and...
In current industrial production, compressed air has many industrial uses and is widely used in the petroleum, chemical, metallurgical, and power industries, playing a vital role. Normally, compressed air is produced directly through electrically-driven compressors, but the electricity market is gradually changing. As more renewable energy sources are integrated into the grid, the...
Thermodynamic refrigeration cycles are designed and optimized for the emerging application to high-field HTS magnet systems at 20 K, such as fusion, NMR, or large accelerators. The refrigeration requirements are specified as the forced-flow cooling of HTS magnets at 20 K, a thermal shield at 100 K, and current leads from 50 K up to ambient temperature. The current leads are a serial...
The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) operates the Central Helium Liquefier (CHL) to provide 2K helium refrigeration to the superconducting radio frequency (SCRF) cavities in the linear accelerator (LINAC). To maintain the purity of the helium, the CHL operates a LN2 cooled, dual-bed purifier. This purifier was purchased as a refurbished unit during the...
Constant ingress of impurities in Muon Campus g-2 experiment at Fermilab has resulted in reduction of efficiency of cryogenic expanders and occasional undesired downtime to flush the impurities. Due to insufficiency of current 60 g/s mobile purifier, a full flow purifier is designed to be used in Muon Campus which purifies 240 g/s of Helium throughput of 4 compressors through charcoal bed at...
The future operation of the 4 kW 15 Kelvin MOLLER experiment at Jefferson lab necessitates an increase of cryogenic capacity at the End Station Refrigerator. The current plant is the former 1.5 kW (4.5 K) ESCAR plant that has been operating at Jefferson Lab since 1994. The existing 1.5 kW plant is not able to support the load for MOLLER and will be replaced with a refurbished plant comprised...