J1Or1A: Joint Session: Liquid Hydrogen for Large-Scale Vehicles I
- Zeric Hulvey (U.S. Department of Energy)
- James Fesmire (Energy Evolution LLC)
The Climate change is the major challenge of this century. Thus, a carbon neutral and sustainable transportation sector could significantly reduce CO2-emissions and help to limit the global warming to a maximum of 1.5 degrees Celsius. For Siemens AG electric machines are a key technology to reach this ambitious goal. In combination with green hydrogen and fuel cells different areas of...
Liquid hydrogen is in the spotlight as a versatile, clean, and safe energy carrier that is used, among other things, as a fuel in fuel cells and as a feedstock in the industrial sector. To safely transport and use liquid hydrogen, sophisticated cryogenic infrastructures, loading bays, loading arms, and vacuum-insulated transfer lines with the appropriate couplings, are required. Demaco has...