C1Or2D: Thermophysics II: Numerical Studies
- Mohammad Kassemi (Case Western Reserve University)
- Konstantin Matveev (Washington State University)
To enable the design of future in-space cryogenic propellant vehicles such as Lunar and Martian ascent and descent stages and the nuclear thermal propulsion system, high accuracy models of various phases of the propellant transfer process are required. NASA and US universities are developing and validating numerical modeling tools that can be used for future in-space cryogenic system design...
Large cryogenic systems, like those installed at CERN, are complex systems relying on many diverse physical processes and phenomena that are difficult to simulate and monitor in detail. With only a limited number of properties measured and made available for monitoring and control purposes, several processes contributing to the dynamics of the systems are ignored and therefore reduce the...
Efficient storage of cryogenics fluids (CFs) under microgravity environment requires detailed quantification of interfacial thermodynamics and mass transport. Such mechanistic understanding will provide strategies to mitigate boil-offs in presence of non-condensable (NC) gases and to engineer novel storage approaches. While several continuum models are being employed for this purpose, they...
Accurate modeling of cryogenic boiling heat transfer is vital for the development of extended-duration space missions. Such missions may require the transfer of cryogenic propellants from in-space storage depots or the cooling of nuclear reactors. Purdue University in collaboration with NASA has assembled a database of cryogenic flow boiling data points from heated-tube experiments dating...
Mixed-refrigerants are desired for near ambient temperature refrigeration and cryogenic cooling systems, to obtain enhanced cooling performances, relative to pure refrigerants, and to comply with new global environmental regulations. Therefore, the vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) of light hydrocarbon mixtures is numerically studied by solving the Rachford-Rice flash equations, based on the...