M2Or2G: Special Session: Cryogenic Clean Energy and Mobility II
- Jeff Trudell (NASA Glenn Research Center)
- Rod Badcock (Paihau-Robinson Research)
The Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (the Ministry) is one of the largest government departments in New Zealand. It is the lead agency for the regulatory systems for Energy and Resource Markets which include the electricity system, gas system, fuel system and petroleum and minerals. It also has teams dedicated to innovation from both a policy and technology standpoint in its...
In this presentation we point out where are the opportunities for cryofuels (LH2 and LNG) and impact on our superconducting industry applications, primarily wind turbine generators and electric aircraft. We will point out the opportunities for growing the hydrogen economy, reducing CO2 emissions and thus help to reduce global warming. Our discussion will focus on the potential of...
One of the reasons gaseous fuels, methane, and hydrogen, are renewable, sustainable replacements for traditional liquid hydrocarbon-based transportation fuels is their small carbon footprint. Global awareness of the immediate need to address impacts of emissions from transportation energy use has emphasized urgency of changes from business as usual. However, the transition from existing fuels...