C4Or1A: Thermophysics V: Solid Properties
- Klaus-Peter Weiss (KIT, Institute for Technical Physics)
- Srinivas Vanapalli (University of Twente)
Advancements in electronic technology with cryogenic operational temperature requirements call for the study of thermal properties of the materials used to connect the heat source and cooling system. A test facility was developed to investigate thermal properties important to these applications--bulk conductivity and contact resistance--for a temperature range of 4K - 40K. Bulk conductivity...
Dragonfly is a planned rotorcraft mission that NASA/APL will be sending to Saturn’s moon Titan to study its chemistry. The Dragonfly Mass Spectrometer (DraMS) is a mass spectrometer that is being developed to identify different kinds of organic material that comprises Titan’s surface. The Cryogenic engineering team on DraMS is developing and interface between the room temperature rotorcraft...
The article presents the optimization of the power density of a thermoelectric generator (TEG) operating in cryogenic temperature conditions. Optimization of TEG power density was performed as a function of TEG leg length and its effect on TEG performance. The coefficient of merit (ZT) of the TEG was experimentally verified for the temperature range of a cold sink from 160 to 250 K, which...
This study introduces a novel ice lithography system integrated with a low-vibration micromachined Joule-Thomson cooler. Ice lithography is an eco-friendly method for high-resolution nanofabrication on delicate substrates and requires to operate below 130 K in the vacuum of a microscope chamber. Previously, liquid nitrogen rather than cryocoolers was used to cool the system due to its low...