C4Or1C: Hydrogen V: Aerospace Tanks
- Wesley Johnson (NASA Glenn Research Center)
- Jonathan Stephens (NASA)
Cryogenic Systems require a highly efficient insulation so as to limit the heat ingress and boil-off, which is generally achieved through the use of vacuum combined with an insulated media. The performance of two families of vacuum insulated technologies, Multi layer Insulation (MLI) and Microspheres (MS), will be investigated with detailed thermal models developed to account for all the heat...
Hydrogen because of its zero carbon emissions and highly energy-dense nature has a strong potential to be used as an aviation fuel. One of the ways of using hydrogen in aircrafts is to store liquid hydrogen in cryogenic tanks on board and then vaporize and mix with air before being burned in the combustion chamber. But a major challenge with cryogenic hydrogen storage is the dynamic movement...
Insulation systems are critical to liquid hydrogen storage tank thermal performance. Storage tanks in the capacity range of 100 to 1,000 cubic meters are typically shop built and designed with evacuated multi-layer insulation (MLI), whereas storage vessels larger than 1,000 cubic meters are typically field-erected and supplied with evacuated bulk fill insulation. Field-erected vessels use bulk...
Cryogenic tank chill and fill is an important cryogenic fluid management (CFM) technology that supports and enables many of NASA’s long-duration space missions. For no-vent fill, the receiver tank pressure remains below the supply tank pressure during the entire duration of the fill so that the tank does not require venting. This is especially advantageous for tank fill operations in low...
As the hydrogen market expands, the need for efficient distribution of liquid hydrogen (LH2) becomes more important. On the one hand, there is a need to reduce flash gas losses during the transfer of LH2. On the other hand there is often a demand for pressurisation of LH2 to overcome transfer losses or to meet minimum input pressure requirements of downstream applications like fuel cells or...