M4Or1A: Special Session: High Field Superconducting Materials for Accelerator Magnets II
- Tengming Shen (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Hyung-Seop Shin (Andong National University)
ReBCO cables are of increasing interest for HEP dipole and quadrupole magnet inserts. Cables are typically desired for both current sharing and redundancy as well as inductance minimization. In this work we explore the effect of round configuration REBCO cables (e.g, CORC or STAR) on field error in cos theta and canted cos theta insert magnet designs. We present magnetization measurements on...
The wide, 4 mm typically, the monofilament shape of a usual coated conductor causes large magnetization, which could deteriorate the field quality of an accelerator magnet. If we filamentize a coated conductor and insulate its filaments one another, we can reduce the magnetization of the coated conductor. However, such a coated conductor, in which no current can be shared among filaments, is...
Iron-based superconductors (IBS) are very promising candidates for high-field magnet applications owing to their ultrahigh upper critical fields and very small anisotropy. In recent years, tremendous progress has been made on the critical current density (Jc) of IBS wires and tapes based on a powder-in-tube technique, e.g., high transport Jc up to 2.2×105 A cm-2 at 4.2 K and 10 T was achieved...
Next-generation high-energy accelerators like SPPC or FCC need thousands of accelerator magnets with the field strength of 16-24 T. Advanced high-field superconducting materials with significant lower cost and better mechanical properties will help improve the feasibility of such projects to a reasonable level. Since 2008, iron-based superconductors (IBS) have been discovered and attracted...