Unraveling anomalies in Deep Virtual Compton Scattering

28 Mar 2023, 11:10
105AB (MSU Kellogg Center)


MSU Kellogg Center

Parallel talk WG5: Spin and 3D Structure WG5


Shohini Bhattacharya (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


We calculate the one-loop quark box diagrams relevant to polarized and unpolarized Deep Virtual Compton Scattering by introducing an off-forward momentum $l^\mu$ as an infrared regulator. Such a regularization enables us to unravel the poles $1/l^2$ related to the chiral anomaly in the polarized case and the trace anomaly in the unpolarized case. We interpret our results in terms of the relevant Generalized Parton Distributions, and discuss the implications of the poles on the QCD factorization for Compton amplitudes.

Submitted on behalf of a Collaboration? No

Primary authors

Shohini Bhattacharya (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Dr yoshitaka hatta (BNL) Werner Vogelsang (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))

Presentation materials