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Light sea and valence quarks in the CJ22 global PDF analysis

30 Mar 2023, 11:30
Auditorium (Kellogg Center, MSU)


Kellogg Center, MSU
Parallel talk WG1: Structure Functions and Parton Densities WG 1


Alberto Accardi (Hampton U. and Jefferson Lab)


We present the new CJ22 global QCD analysis of unpolarized parton distributions The work focuses on the light antiquark sea to incorporate constraints from recent SeaQuest and STAR electroweak boson production data. We make use of a more flexible antiquark imbalance parametrization than in the CJ15 analysis, that in turn is sensitive to mid-rapidity correlations between the $\bar d / \bar u$ and $d/u$ ratios in the Drell-Yan $pp/pd$ cross section measurements. As a result, the $d/u$ ratio is suppressed at large $x$ compared to the CJ15 result, and extrapolates to a substantially smaller value than obtained there as $x \to 1$.

Submitted on behalf of a Collaboration? Yes
Participate in poster competition? No

Primary authors

Alberto Accardi (Hampton U. and Jefferson Lab) Jeff Owens (Florida State University) Sanghwa Park (Stony Brook University) Xiaoxian Jing

Presentation materials