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Top Quark Physics at the LHC

27 Mar 2023, 14:45
Big Ten A (MSU Kellogg Center)

Big Ten A

MSU Kellogg Center

Plenary talk Plenary sessions Plenaries


Kai-Feng Chen (National Taiwan University (TW))


Thanks to the high center-of-mass energy of the LHC, millions of top quarks have been produced and recorded, allow us to study the top quark related observables with a high precision. Deviations between theory predictions and experimental measurements in the top quark sector might indicate the first hints for new physics. This presentation focuses on the recent measurements at ATLAS and CMS experiments, including an overview of measurements of top quark productions, top quark mass and properties, and searches for the rare decays.

Primary author

Kai-Feng Chen (National Taiwan University (TW))

Presentation materials