3–7 Sept 2007
Europe/Zurich timezone

Towards the final ATLAS Pixel Detector Control System

5 Sept 2007, 12:35


Czech Republic


Tobias Flick


The innermost part of the ATLAS experiment is a pixel detector, built by around 1750 individual detector modules. To operate the modules, readout electronics and other detector components, a complex power supply and detector control system (DCS) is necessary. This includes a large number of crates, which house the different hardware components as well as a PC net, where the different control projects are running. To test the final detector after its assembly before it is installed in the ATLAS cavern a large test system was setup at CERN, which allows to operate ca. 10 % of the detector in parallel. Since autumn 2006 this system is in permanent operation. As nearly everywhere the final control hardware is used, its reliability and the performance of the control software could be investigated. An overview on our DCS hard- and software is given and we report on the experience with the control system. Susanne Kersten 'on behalf of Atlas Pixel Detector Collaboration'


Susanne Kersten (Fachbereich C / Physik)


Dirk Hoffmann (CPPM) Jennifer Boek (Wuppertal University) Jens Weingarten (Bonn University) Joachim Schultes (Wuppertal University) Kerstin Lantzsch (Wuppertal University) Markus Keil (Universite de Geneve) Olivier Pisano (CPPM) Peter Kind (Wuppertal University) Peter Maettig (Wuppertal University) Sebastian Weber Tobias Henss (Wuppertal University)

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