The data acquisition system for CMS is divided into an underground part
and a surface part.
The underground part performs the following functions:
- Front End data collection over 650 sources and transmission to the surface on-line
computing farm.
- Front End status collection and elaboration of a smart back pressure signal
preventing the overflow of the Front End electronic.
The surface part performs the event building (640 event fragments assembled into a
single event of ~1MB) and later-on, the on-line analysis to select the events to be
stored for off-line analysis.
Year 2005 has been dedicated to the production/test of the custom made electronic
boards and the procurement of the commercial items needed to operate the underground
part of the Data Acquisition System of CMS.
The first half of 2006 has been spent to install the DAQ infrastructures in USC55 and
to prepare the racks to receive the hardware elements.
The second half of 2006 was dedicated to the installation and cabling of the CMS DAQ
elements in the underground control rooms.
Concurrently, the infrastructures in the surface building were installed and cabling
of the computer room started early 2007.
The event builder PCs have been installed and commissioned this summer. They will act
also as event analyzers as long as the data volume does not require dedicated PCs to
run the high level trigger algorithms. It is foreseen to procure and install analyzer
PCs in the second half of 2008.