Andrei Dorokhov
High precision particle tracking and imaging applications require
position sensitive detectors with high granularity, good radiation
tolerance, low material budget, fast read-out and low power dissipation.
Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) fabricated in a standard
microelectronic technology provide an attractive solution for these
demanding applications. The signal-to-noise ratio of MAPS can be
increased by using in-pixel amplifiers. The compromise between speed,
noise, gain and power consumption has to be achieved in the design
of the amplifier. The charge collection efficiency and total capacitance
at the amplifier input is influenced by the size of charge collecting
diode. Therefore, in order to achieve better MAPS performances, both
the geometry of the charge collecting diode and the amplifier design
have to be considered in the optimization process.
In this work different amplifier designs and geometries of the charge
collecting diode are proposed. The characterization measurements
of the amplifiers fabricated in AMS 0.35 um OPTO technology will
be presented. The electronic properties of the amplifiers calculated with
Spectre circuit simulator and the charge collection efficiency simulated
with ISE-TCAD package will be compared with the measurements.
The advantages and drawbacks of the implemented designs will be discussed.
Andrei Dorokhov