5–9 Jun 2023
Millennium Gloucester Hotel London Kensington
Europe/London timezone

Contribution List

233 / 233
Mark Andrew Thomson
05/06/2023, 08:30
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Fabiola Gianotti (CERN)
05/06/2023, 08:45
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Eliezer Rabinovici (Weizmann Institute of Science (IL))
05/06/2023, 09:05
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Guy Wilkinson (University of Oxford (GB))
05/06/2023, 09:20
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Gavin Salam (University of Oxford)
05/06/2023, 09:25
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Michael Benedikt (CERN)
05/06/2023, 10:55
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Johannes Gutleber (CERN)
05/06/2023, 11:20
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Timothy Paul Watson (CERN)
05/06/2023, 11:55
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Tor Raubenheimer (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
05/06/2023, 14:00
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Klaus Hanke (CERN)
05/06/2023, 15:00
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Matthew Philip Mccullough (CERN)
05/06/2023, 16:00
Physics, Experiments & Detectors
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Janusz Gluza (University of Silesia (PL))
05/06/2023, 16:20
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Michele Selvaggi (CERN)
05/06/2023, 16:40
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Dr Katsunobu Oide (Universite de Geneve (CH))
06/06/2023, 08:30
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Christoph Paus (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
06/06/2023, 08:30
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Johannes Gutleber (CERN)
06/06/2023, 08:30
FCCIS WP3 (Integrate Europe)
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Patrycja Laidouni (CERN), Pierre Boillon, Mr Pierre Boillon (Cerema)
06/06/2023, 09:00
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Pier Francesco Monni (CERN)
06/06/2023, 09:00
Physics, Experiments & Detectors
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Sophie Alice Renner (University of Glasgow (GB))
06/06/2023, 09:30
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Mr Charles Barre (EGIS), Mr Tristan Halle (EGIS)
06/06/2023, 09:30
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Guy Wilkinson (University of Oxford (GB))
06/06/2023, 09:45
Michael Benedikt (CERN)
06/06/2023, 10:00
Luisa Ulrici (CERN)
06/06/2023, 10:30
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Andrey Abramov (CERN)
06/06/2023, 10:30
FCC-ee accelerator
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Jorge de Blas (Universidad de Granada (ES))
06/06/2023, 10:30
Physics, Experiments & Detectors
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Antonio Perillo Marcone (CERN)
06/06/2023, 10:50
FCC-ee accelerator
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Jernej F. Kamenik
06/06/2023, 11:00
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Jean-Paul Burnet (CERN)
06/06/2023, 11:05
Mauro Migliorati
06/06/2023, 11:10
FCC-ee accelerator
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Juraj Smiesko (CERN)
06/06/2023, 11:30
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Olivier Brunner (CERN)
06/06/2023, 11:30
Luca Sabato (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))
06/06/2023, 11:35
FCC-ee accelerator
Oral presention (by invitation only)
06/06/2023, 12:20
Gerhard Streicher (WIFO)
06/06/2023, 13:30
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Irene Del Rosario Crespo Garrido (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))
06/06/2023, 13:55
FCCIS WP4 (Impact & sustainability)
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Irene Del Rosario Crespo Garrido (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))
06/06/2023, 14:20
FCCIS WP4 (Impact & sustainability)
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Francesco Fransesini
06/06/2023, 14:25
MDI (Machine Detector Interface)
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Vittorio Parma (CERN)
06/06/2023, 14:42
Technical Infrastructures
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Dr Florian Sonnemann (CERN)
06/06/2023, 14:45
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Laurent Brunetti (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
06/06/2023, 14:45
MDI (Machine Detector Interface)
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Gabriele Piazza
06/06/2023, 15:30
Oral presention (by invitation only)
06/06/2023, 15:30
MDI (Machine Detector Interface)
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Giacomo Broggi (Sapienza Università di Roma e INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))
06/06/2023, 15:50
MDI (Machine Detector Interface)
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Francesco Giffoni
06/06/2023, 16:00
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Guillermo Peon (CERN)
06/06/2023, 16:15
Technical Infrastructures
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Andrea Ciarma (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))
06/06/2023, 16:25
MDI (Machine Detector Interface)
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Guillermo Peon (CERN)
06/06/2023, 16:37
Technical Infrastructures
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Andrea Perez Fernandez (CERN)
07/06/2023, 08:30
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Jan Eysermans (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
07/06/2023, 08:30
Physics, Experiments & Detectors
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Louis Portales (CNRS/IN2P3 - LLR, École Polytechnique)
07/06/2023, 08:45
Physics, Experiments & Detectors
Domitille Arrivet
07/06/2023, 08:50
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Tor Raubenheimer (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
07/06/2023, 08:55
FCC-ee accelerator
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Loukas Gouskos (CERN)
07/06/2023, 09:00
Physics, Experiments & Detectors
Mr Iacopo Faggiani (TELT)
07/06/2023, 09:10
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Rogelio Tomas Garcia (CERN)
07/06/2023, 09:10
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Patrick Janot (CERN)
07/06/2023, 09:15
Physics, Experiments & Detectors
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Jacqueline Keintzel (CERN)
07/06/2023, 09:25
FCC-ee accelerator
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Sophy Palmer (STFC)
07/06/2023, 09:30
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Lars Rohrig (Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE))
07/06/2023, 09:37
Physics, Experiments & Detectors
Oral presention (by invitation only)
07/06/2023, 09:50
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Mr Laban Coblentz (ITER)
07/06/2023, 10:30
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Tristan Miralles (Université Clermont Auvergne (FR))
07/06/2023, 10:30
Physics, Experiments & Detectors
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Dr Antoine Chance (CEA Irfu)
07/06/2023, 10:30
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Bernhard Auchmann (PSI/CERN)
07/06/2023, 10:30
FCC-ee technologies R&D
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Matthew William Kenzie (University of Warwick (GB))
07/06/2023, 10:45
Physics, Experiments & Detectors
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Mr William Garnier (SKA)
07/06/2023, 10:50
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Alberto Lusiani (Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN, sezione di Pisa)
07/06/2023, 11:00
Physics, Experiments & Detectors
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Soren Prestemon
07/06/2023, 11:00
FCC-ee technologies R&D
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Dr Iryna Chaikovska (CNRS/IJCLab)
07/06/2023, 11:10
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Arnaud Marsollier (CERN)
07/06/2023, 11:10
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Sarah Louise Williams (University of Cambridge (GB))
07/06/2023, 11:15
Physics, Experiments & Detectors
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Dr Amalia Ballarino (CERN)
07/06/2023, 11:30
FCC-ee technologies R&D
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Mr Markus Mooslechner
07/06/2023, 11:30
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Nicolo Valle (INFN Sezione di Pavia (IT))
07/06/2023, 11:37
Physics, Experiments & Detectors
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Jacqueline Keintzel (CERN)
07/06/2023, 13:30
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Brett Parker (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
07/06/2023, 13:30
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Katherine Arundell (Springer Nature)
07/06/2023, 13:30
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Franck Peauger (CERN)
07/06/2023, 13:30
SRF Programme
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Aurelien Martens (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
07/06/2023, 13:34
Oral presention (by invitation only)

A status report of the Compton polarimeter will be provided along with relevant challenges.

Dr Oleg Malyshev (UKRI/STFC Daresbury Laboratory)
07/06/2023, 13:35
SRF Programme
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Carl Jaermyr Eriksson (CERN)
07/06/2023, 13:50
MDI (Machine Detector Interface)
Oral presention (by invitation only)
John Hammersley
07/06/2023, 13:50
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Anne-Marie Valente-Feliciano
07/06/2023, 13:53
SRF Programme
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Yi Wu (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))
07/06/2023, 13:55
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Akira Miyazaki (Uppsala University (SE))
07/06/2023, 14:11
SRF Programme
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Alain Blondel (Universite de Geneve (CH))
07/06/2023, 14:37
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Prof. Anna Scaife (University of Manchester)
07/06/2023, 15:30
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Dr Dan Symes (STFC)
07/06/2023, 16:00
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Dr Marco Ghibaudi (Riverlane)
07/06/2023, 16:30
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Alice Lucie Vanel (CERN)
08/06/2023, 08:30
SRF Programme
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Ivan Koop (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))
08/06/2023, 08:30
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Shahnam Gorgi Zadeh (CERN)
08/06/2023, 08:48
SRF Programme
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Mr Sosoho-Abasi Udongwo (UROS)
08/06/2023, 09:06
SRF Programme
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Hannes Bartosik (CERN)
08/06/2023, 09:10
FCC-ee injector
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Zhandong Zhang (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
08/06/2023, 09:14
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Wolfgang Bartmann (CERN)
08/06/2023, 09:30
FCC-ee injector
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Jacqueline Keintzel (CERN)
08/06/2023, 09:36
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Felix Sefkow (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)), Mogens Dam (University of Copenhagen (DK))
08/06/2023, 10:30
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Fabian Manke (CERN)
08/06/2023, 10:30
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Gabriella Gaudio (INFN-Pavia)
08/06/2023, 10:35
Physics, Experiments & Detectors
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Prof. Daniela Bortoletto (University of Oxford (GB))
08/06/2023, 10:57
Physics, Experiments & Detectors
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Dr Roderik Bruce (CERN)
08/06/2023, 11:15
FCC-hh accelerator
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Roger Forty (CERN)
08/06/2023, 11:19
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Wolfgang Bartmann (CERN)
08/06/2023, 11:35
FCC-hh accelerator
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Dr Maksym Titov (IRFU, CEA Saclay, Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
08/06/2023, 11:41
Physics, Experiments & Detectors
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Jorgen D'Hondt (Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE))
08/06/2023, 13:30
FCC-eh accelerator
Oral presention (by invitation only)


Brieuc Francois (CERN)
08/06/2023, 13:30
Physics, Experiments & Detectors
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Davide Di Croce (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))
08/06/2023, 13:50
FCC-ee accelerator
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Sam Rorison (CERN)
08/06/2023, 13:50
FCC-ee technologies R&D
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Peter Kicsiny (EPFL)
08/06/2023, 13:55
FCC-ee accelerator
Armin Ilg (University of Zurich)
08/06/2023, 13:55
Physics, Experiments & Detectors
Oral presention (by invitation only)
08/06/2023, 14:00
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Alvaro Tolosa Delgado (CERN)
08/06/2023, 14:10
Physics, Experiments & Detectors
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Mirko Siano (Università degli Studi di Milano)
08/06/2023, 14:10
FCC-ee technologies R&D
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Sang Hyun Ko (Seoul National University (KR))
08/06/2023, 14:30
Physics, Experiments & Detectors
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Maria Chamizo Llatas (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
08/06/2023, 14:45
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Michaela Mlynarikova (CERN)
08/06/2023, 14:45
Physics, Experiments & Detectors
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Ali Rajabi
08/06/2023, 14:45
FCC-ee accelerator
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Dr Pantaleo Raimondi (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
08/06/2023, 15:30
FCC-ee accelerator
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Didier Claude Contardo (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
08/06/2023, 15:30
Physics, Experiments & Detectors
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Magnus Mager (CERN)
08/06/2023, 16:00
Physics, Experiments & Detectors
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Srini Rajagopalan (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
08/06/2023, 16:30
Physics, Experiments & Detectors
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Alex Keyken (Royal Holloway University of London), Darren Zeming Chan (University of Toronto (CA)), Emily Rose Howling (Univ. of Oxford University College (GB)), Mr John Patrick Salvesen (University of Oxford, CERN)
08/06/2023, 17:26
Accelerators posters
Poster (one author must be in person)
Mr John Patrick Salvesen (University of Oxford, CERN)
08/06/2023, 17:27
Poster (one author must be in person)
Timothy Paul Watson (CERN)
09/06/2023, 08:30
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Klaus Hanke (CERN)
09/06/2023, 08:45
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Frank Zimmermann (CERN)
09/06/2023, 09:00
Oral presention (by invitation only)
09/06/2023, 09:25
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Paolo Craievich
09/06/2023, 09:30
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Vladimir Shiltsev
09/06/2023, 09:45
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Yannis Papaphilippou (CERN)
09/06/2023, 10:00
Manuela Boscolo (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))
09/06/2023, 10:40
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Jacqueline Keintzel (CERN)
09/06/2023, 10:55
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Guy Wilkinson (University of Oxford (GB))
09/06/2023, 11:10
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Michael Benedikt (CERN)
09/06/2023, 11:40
Oral presention (by invitation only)