Nov 16 – 18, 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone


You are invited to the second edition of the Sparks! Serendipity Forum, a two-day multidisciplinary science innovation forum and public event, that will take place on 17-18 November 2022 at CERN.

  1. PLEASE REGISTER! below for access to CERN, to visits and other social activities 
  2. Prior to the event: make sure you have sent us your burning question

Overview Schedule 

16 Nov Pre-event (optional)

Join us for visits of the CERN site, or attend a seminar about respiratory pathogens presented by CERN Occupational Health & Safety and Environmental Protection Unit (registration is required, please indicate your interest in the form below). You are also invited to dinner by the lake in Geneva.

(Those preparing a Talk for 17 Nov have the opportunity to rehearse).

17 Nov Seminar CERN’s impact on medical technology - 14:00 - 15:30 CET (optional)

Manuela Cirilli (CERN Knowledge Transfer) will be holding a seminar about the medical applications of CERN technologies, in discussion with colleagues from other departments.

 17 Nov Sparks! TALKS - 16:00 - 19:30 CET

This is a live production which will be recorded (à la TED). Some of you have been invited to give a talk as speakers, everyone else is invited to attend as audience; There is space for guests of speakers and participants, but the general public will be only online.

18 Nov Sparks! FORUM - 08:30 - 18:00 CET (the forum is a full day activity involving all 50 participants) 

List of participants: 

We will be moving away from the traditional conference format and are inviting you to spend the day indulging in in-depth discussions. The 50 participants of Sparks will be led through a dynamic agenda composed of plenary and break-out sessions specially designed for Sparks! to foster multidisciplinary interactions. Get ready to collaborate, agree to disagree, learn and unlearn together.

 Guiding questions: 

1 - Data as the new doctor - How can individuals gain agency over their health and ownership over their data?
2 - Towards Precision Health - What are the main challenges to finally make personalized medicine a reality?
3 - Healthy Ethics - How can we ensure that data feeding into health technology ensures equity?
4 - Global Knowledge Gap - How do we bridge the human expertise knowledge gap around the world?
5 - Big Open Data - What open data sharing examples work and how do we build on this?
6 - Collaboration Models for Health - What stands in the way of making this a reality?
7 - Health Innovation Ecosystem - What mechanisms need to be put in place to advance health technology for the benefit of wider society?
80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor
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