If you stay at CERN hotel, breakfast is served at CERN's main restaurant in exchange for the vouchers you will find in your badge pouch.
Lunches at CERN restaurant
The following lunches can be taken freely at CERN's main restaurant in exchange for the vouchers you will find in your badge pouch.
- Wed 16 Nov
- Thu 17 Nov
The following are all organised in various locations. Meeting time and point are displayed in the timetable. You need to register for these events. Should you not come to these events, you need to make arrangements for your own meals.
- Wed 16 Nov 19.00 : Dinner at Perle du Lac in Geneva
- Thu 17 Nov 20.00 : Cocktail reception at Salle du Mirador du Clos, Satigny
- Fri 18 Nov 12.00 : Lunch at Le Smash restaurant - no need to register, part of the forum programme
- Fri 18 Nov 20.00 : Cocktail reception at CERN Restaurant
Transport to these locations will be provided for the group by coach. On-site parking for individual cars is available at Perle du Lac and Salle du Mirador. For the lunch at Le Smash, we recommend walking from CERN.