What are the perceptions of physics teachers about generative artificial intelligence in school activities: initial reflections from a focus group

7 Sept 2023, 17:00



Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Department of Physics Education
Oral presentation Presentations/Workshops


Prof. Mikael Frank Rezende Junior (Universidade Federal de Itajubá)Prof. Victor López Simó (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelonal)


With the increasingly intense development of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and its various uses advancing in people's daily lives, we experienced with ChatGTP an initial movement questioning the effectiveness and real reach of this type of AI in various scenarios, for example, in the educational context [1] [2]. In this work we propose to discuss the potentialities and limitations of AI generative in the view of physics teacher about the use of AI in school activities in particular, guided by reflections involving the following points: 1) Whether ChatGPT can help, in some way, physics teachers in school tasks, such as correcting tests or proposing didactic activities. 2) how teachers feel about students using this type of IA. 3) what kind of changes a generative AI can promote in formal educational processes 4) specifically, regarding the resolution of physics questions, what performance do they expect by ChatGPT in relation to different types of physics questions. In this exploratory research, data were collected by online Focus Group (FG) held during three meetings of one hour each, with six Brazilian physics teachers. The FG technique for obtaining reliable data was initially used in areas such as Marketing and also in the Social Sciences, but has also been used by researchers in the field of Education. For the organization of this FG, we were guided by Debus [1], accepting the indications on care in relation to the selection of members that will make up the group in relation to homogeneity, as well as the recommendation that an FG not have more than eight participants. We hope that the outcome of this focus group in progress can shed light on initial discussions about the didactic role of generative AI in the context of teaching physics.

Contribution categories - primary focus Primary and secondary school
Contribution categories - type Application (shared experience, activity suggestions)

Primary author

Prof. Mikael Frank Rezende Junior (Universidade Federal de Itajubá)


Prof. Victor López Simó (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelonal)

Presentation materials

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