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26th International Conference on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning (MPTL'26)

Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Department of Physics Education
Zdeňka Koupilová

26th MPTL Prague         

7 - 9 September 2023

Using multimedia to promote understanding and cognitive development


The International Conference on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning provides an annual forum to exchange information and ideas about the use of multimedia in physics teaching and learning.

Proceedings were published as a volume of the Journal of Physics: Conference Series on January 29th, 2024.


Hosted by Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Prague

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University





Scientific Committee

  • Wolfgang Christian, Davidson College, USA
  • Peter Demkanin, Comenius University in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Tomasz Greczylo, Wroclaw University, Poland
  • Mihály Hömöstrei, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
  • Petr Kácovský, Charles University, Czech Republic
  • Zdeňka Koupilová, Charles University, Czech Republic
  • Víctor López, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
  • Bruce Mason, University of Oklahoma, USA
  • Andreas Müller, University of Geneva, Switzerland
  • Peppino Sapia, University of Calabria, Italy
  • Lars-Jochen Thoms, University of Konstanz, Germany & Thurgau University of Education, Switzerland

Local organizing committee

  • Zdeňka Koupilová
  • Petr Kácovský
  • Marina Babayeva
  • Jitka Houfková
  • Petr Kolář
  • Matěj Ryston


Institutions, organizations and firms who support the conference:                    







    • Registration MFF UK

      MFF UK

      Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Department of Physics Education
    • Ceremonies & social program: Opening ceremony T2 (MFF UK)


      MFF UK

      Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Department of Physics Education
    • Keynote speaker: Lana Ivanjek T2 (MFF UK)


      MFF UK

      Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Department of Physics Education
      Convener: Dr Lars-Jochen Thoms (University of Konstanz)
      • 1
        Digital tools in teaching physics at university level – challenges and lessons learned

        Abstract: The overview of the use of digital technologies in teaching and learning of physics will be presented with the emphasis on the developments in recent years.

        The focus of the talk will be on the challenges we were and are confronted with (such as COVID-19 pandemic) and the lessons learned from the implementation of new technologies and approaches in university courses.

        Speaker: Lana Ivanjek
    • 14:30
      Coffee break
    • Presentations/Workshops: Presentations I T2 (MFF UK)


      MFF UK

      Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Department of Physics Education
      Convener: Petr Kácovský (Charles University)
      • 2
        Visualizing the Movement of the Celtic Stone

        The Celtic Stone (also known as a rattleback) is a semi-ellipsoidal shaped solid object which when spun rotates on its axis in a preferred direction. If spun in the opposite direction, it goes to the stop and reverses its spin to the preferred direction [1]. As the movement of the stone is multidirectional it is a challenge to perform quantitative measurements of its motion characteristics.
        The work presents the experimental set-up and the procedure for collecting date of a rattleback motion. Some preliminary results of video measurements performed with a specific metal rattleback and meant to visualize its motion. Attempts to compare the results with predictions based on the numerical model of the situation are undertaken [2].
        The advantages and disadvantages of the measurement system will be presented and discussed.

        Speaker: Tomasz Greczyło
      • 3
        Interactive Visualisation for Teaching a Quantum Double Slit Experiment

        In teaching quantum physics, visualisation is a useful tool to improve students’ understanding of phenomena from the quantum realm. A double slit experiment has shown itself to be a good simple enough example where all important quantum concepts such as wave-particle duality, superposition, or measurement meet in a nice way. Here, we present a simple web-based interactive interface visualising a double slit experiment with electrons. Teachers and students would be able to conduct this experiment by themselves and explore behaviour of quantum objects step-by-step, following a path outlined by Richard Feynman in his famous lectures.

        Speaker: Jana Legerská (Department of Physics Education, Faculty od Mathematics and Physics, Charles University)
      • 4
        Easy JavaScript Simulation (EJSS) Data Analytics for Singapore National Learning Management System -Student Learning Space

        We discuss the integration of Easy JavaScript Simulation (EJSS) Data Analytics into the Singapore Learning Management System - Student Learning Space (SLS). The implementation of EJSS Data Analytics aims to enhance the teaching and learning experience for students and teachers alike by providing a Moodle platform for EJSS data visualizations. Using Learning Tools Interoperability specification and standards (LTI 1.3), the EJSS data analytics tools enable educators to monitor and evaluate student interactions on the simulation inside SLS. We will showcase the possible effectiveness in identification of student learning difficulties and misconception in the context of the Singapore education system.
        Keywords: Easy JavaScript Simulation, EJSS Data Analytics, Singapore National Learning Management System, , Learning Tools Interoperability, teacher monitoring, personalized feedback, student engagement

        Speaker: WEE Loo Kang Lawrence
      • 5
        Video recording of a multipurpose demonstration experiment

        I will present and comment on a short video recording of a didactic experiment (a magnetic swing) produced at the height of the pandemic crisis in the spring of 2020 [1]. I will explain the circumstances that led to the decision to record the experiment and the many uses of the video produced. We were all faced with unforeseen circumstances and had to suddenly adapt our teaching methods and procedures to a completely new reality. This is an example of a small creative solution to improve distance learning when it is not possible to conduct experiments in the real physical world with students present in the school.

        Fig. 1. A screenshot from the recorded video of the experiment with magnetic swing.

        It is not possible to develop experimental skills or get a feel for possible experimental accuracy without performing physical experiments yourself, e.g., by just watching video clips of recorded experiments. On the other hand, it is possible to recreate a demonstration experiment without actually performing it by using a video clip instead of the real equipment. Sometimes it may even be better to use a recording projected on a large screen than to improvise with equipment that is not suitable for a demonstration in front of a large group of students, even if the demonstration takes place in a normal classroom.
        The idea of making short video recordings of physics experiments was further developed. In the following years, the recording of a didactic video of a physics experiment became one of the obligations of the fourth-year students of educational physics at our faculty in the course Didactics of Physics. I will show an example of the students' recordings [2].

        Speaker: Barbara Rovšek (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education)
    • Presentations/Workshops: Workshop I T7 (MFF UK)


      MFF UK

      Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Department of Physics Education
      Convener: Marie Snětinová
      • 6
        LEGO building blocks sets, Arduino and Micro:bit as experimenting tools in Physics Classroom

        The joint research team of Department of Physics Education at Charles University and Department of Physics at Portland State University present a common work on the implementation of modern technologies in Physics Classroom. During the workshop the participants are going to try an acoustic experiment for secondary schools using three different equipment: LEGO sets, Arduino, Micro:bit programming boards and ultrasonic distance sensors. The participants will use block programming languages such as MakeCode, Snap4Arduino and LEGO Spike.

        The current workshop is a part of a bigger project, that aims to assess the influence on technologies on overall digital literacy, self-confidence and self-image of the students as well as its potential to develop methodologies and tactics for fostering 21st-century knowledge and skills in students, stimulating their engagement and improving attitude towards science through presenting Physics in a frame of everyday life. The project is also able to stimulate the concept change process for a wide range of teaching professionals including teachers-to-be and experienced in-service teachers. Using multimedia and technologies brings teacher closer to students and let both parties speak a common language. Educators should also be able to reflect on the overall situation during the implementation of new technologies. Modern teachers are role models for the next generation to come. Technologies in education can be a support for developing different skills of learners and a tool promoting learners' autonomy, a shift towards learner-centered education, and support diversity.

        The research underlying the project implies developing curriculum using collaborative tools and experimental setups for Physics classroom. For current pilot, the materials on the topic of waves and sound propagation were developed. In order to foster collaborative environment in the classroom, we use online tools for information presentation. Mainly, we implement the following: assessment tools Formative (, Wizer (, and presentation tool Miro ( All together the tools were organized in Google Classroom ( The curriculum also included practical part namely experiment on sound propagation. LEGO Spike Education set and Arduino Uno with ultrasonic distance sensor were chosen as hardware for the experimental setup. Overall, the goal of the curriculum is to be platform independent so that teachers can use what they already have or obtain the most suitable option for them from budget and availability perspective. Experimental part can potentially increase information comprehension levels due to higher engagement and improved attitudes toward science.

        Speaker: Marina Babayeva
    • 16:30
      Coffee break
    • Presentations/Workshops: Distance oral presentation T2 (MFF UK)


      MFF UK

      Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Department of Physics Education
      Convener: Zdeňka Koupilová
      • 7
        Comparing Simulations to Improve Physics Students’ Education

        See the attachment below.

        Speakers: Paul Koenig, Valentina Bologna
      • 8
        Training Teachers on New Topics and New Tools in Physics Education

        We report the result of a collaboration among Universities, Schools, and Institutions to increase interest in new tools and learning environments. To address this issue, we provide scientific and didactic support to teachers through different kinds of training sessions to introduce innovative didactic methodologies for teaching and learning. The project involved a training course both in streaming and carried-out sessions with university staff as well as secondary school teachers.
        We selected current research themes such as climate change, space missions, and Einstein's relativity since they are not commonly included in the Physics curriculum; we suggested an approach based on some new methodologies and technologies to introduce these topics. We used microcontroller development boards for measuring environmental parameters, Artificial Intelligence, and data processing applied to Open Data from space missions or weather archives. We also suggested a new approach to teaching modern physics. For this purpose, we used a web-based platform to explore the basic concepts of relativistic physics by emphasizing its impact on Global Positioning Systems, which is of utmost importance in everyday life.

        Speakers: Matteo Luca Ruggiero (Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Torino), Marta Rinaudo (Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Torino), Marina Serio (Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Torino)
      • 9
        Digital Games and Quantum Physics in University

        Using digital games in quantum physics education can help students to understand and visualize quantum phenomena and create intuition for quantum formalism. In addition, games can have the potential to trigger interest. Depending on the purpose, digital games can be used in different ways, e.g., supported by a general introductory quantum physics lesson, combined with traditional quantum physics teaching based on solid mathematical foundations, or instead of using games as a part of the educational process, we can use game development as an educational process itself. In this presentation, we introduce different possibilities and our experience in using digital games at the university for different educational and outreach purposes related to quantum physics.

        Speaker: Daria Anttila (University of Turku)
    • Presentations/Workshops: Presentations II T7 (MFF UK)


      MFF UK

      Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Department of Physics Education
      Convener: Petr Kolář (Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics)
      • 10
        What are the perceptions of physics teachers about generative artificial intelligence in school activities: initial reflections from a focus group

        With the increasingly intense development of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and its various uses advancing in people's daily lives, we experienced with ChatGTP an initial movement questioning the effectiveness and real reach of this type of AI in various scenarios, for example, in the educational context [1] [2]. In this work we propose to discuss the potentialities and limitations of AI generative in the view of physics teacher about the use of AI in school activities in particular, guided by reflections involving the following points: 1) Whether ChatGPT can help, in some way, physics teachers in school tasks, such as correcting tests or proposing didactic activities. 2) how teachers feel about students using this type of IA. 3) what kind of changes a generative AI can promote in formal educational processes 4) specifically, regarding the resolution of physics questions, what performance do they expect by ChatGPT in relation to different types of physics questions. In this exploratory research, data were collected by online Focus Group (FG) held during three meetings of one hour each, with six Brazilian physics teachers. The FG technique for obtaining reliable data was initially used in areas such as Marketing and also in the Social Sciences, but has also been used by researchers in the field of Education. For the organization of this FG, we were guided by Debus [1], accepting the indications on care in relation to the selection of members that will make up the group in relation to homogeneity, as well as the recommendation that an FG not have more than eight participants. We hope that the outcome of this focus group in progress can shed light on initial discussions about the didactic role of generative AI in the context of teaching physics.

        Speakers: Prof. Mikael Frank Rezende Junior (Universidade Federal de Itajubá), Prof. Victor López Simó (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelonal)
      • 11
        Project digiSTAR – digital augmented Science Teaching and Research

        The traditional analogue introductory undergraduate courses in natural science study programs neglect individual differences in study entry and constitute a digital gap between the increasingly digitalized school and the likewise digitalized current research practice. Promotion of digital competencies in studies and in general for scientific professions should follow a continuous progression. Student teachers have little insight into the significance of digitalization for science research practice. At the same time, they lack practical applications of digital teaching competencies. The digiSTAR project addresses this issue and pursues four goals: digital learning aids for all students, support for lecturers through additional digital teaching-learning media, competence development of student teachers through the design of digital learning environments, and cross-location exchange and joint courses in the master's degree in teaching. The collaborative project involving biology, physics and chemistry education research at RPTU (Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau) and the University of Konstanz will be presented, including initial results and digital add-ons for subject-specific courses.

        Speaker: Dr Lars-Jochen Thoms (University of Konstanz)
    • Keynote speaker: Andréas Mueller T2 (MFF UK)


      MFF UK

      Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Department of Physics Education
      Convener: Tomasz Greczyło
      • 12
        Digital Competences and Physics Education – Perspectives for Classroom Practice and Teacher Education


        Abstract: Recent work in research & development using smartphones or tablet computers and theirs sensor for physics education will be reviewed, with a focus on intended competences and other educational objectives to be achieved with this approach.

        Based on empirical outcomes and on the current intense discussion on multimedia and other digital tools for educational purposes, several promising perspectives for classroom practice and teacher education are presented for discussion.

        Speaker: Andréas Mueller
    • 10:30
      Coffee break
    • Poster session: Poster announcements T2 (MFF UK)


      MFF UK

      Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Department of Physics Education
      Convener: Zdeňka Koupilová
    • Poster session MFF UK

      MFF UK

      Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Department of Physics Education
      • 13
        Electronic Collections of Solved Problems in Physics and Physics Experiments

        The ability to solve quantitative problems is a fundamental skill in physics. Nonetheless, re-search as well as our teaching experience has shown that students often neglect the qualitative aspects of problem-solving and jump straight into mathematical equations, which hinders their understanding of science [1]. Considering this, we have developed an electronic collection of solved physics problems with a specially designed solution structure that promotes active think-ing and problem-solving skills development since 2006. There are more than 900 (in Czech), and 320 (in English) fully solved problems covering all main areas in physics. Moreover, in selected problems interactive elements are published. They are prepared in GeoGebra or Wolfram Mathematica mainly. Their aims are various, e.g., they help to create a correct geometric view of the problem; they show time development of the process; they simulate a mental process involved in solving of the problem; they graphically show the solution for other values than those specified; they allow to simulate various alternatives. These elements are designated for readers’ free-play and exploration as well as they are accompanied by tasks that lead readers to a deeper under-standing of the solved problem. The Collection of Solved Problems in Physics is used by universi-ty students from various study programmes and universities, as well as upper secondary school students and their teachers.

        The Collection of Physics Experiments has been developed as a counterpart to the Collection of Solved Problems since 2015. This Collection is intended mainly for teachers at the lower and upper secondary school level. The primary goal of the Collection is to gather physics experiment ideas and process them in a unified way. The emphasis is placed on selecting experiments that are feasible in a classroom setting while engaging students. Experiment descriptions typically include sections such as the experiment's goal, theory, tools, procedure, sample results, technical notes, and pedagogical notes. The latter two sections are particularly important, as they are based on the author's own experience with the experiment and can greatly assist teachers in their work. We emphasize that the successful execution of the experiment should be shown as clearly as possible. For this reason, many experiments’ descriptions contain video sequences showing sample experiment setting and/or procedure. There are approx. 170 experiments in Czech and 80 experiments in English published in the Collection.

        Both Collections utilizes the same technological solutions, and the two Collections are linked to each other. Moreover, some problems refer to experiments dealing with the same physics phe-nomenon and vice versa.


        [1] Harper, KA. Student Problem-Solving Behaviors. The Physics Teacher. 2006; 44(4):250–251.

        [2] Collection of Solved Problems in Physics [Internet]. Department of Physics Education, MFF CUNI; n.d. [cited 2023 May 30]. Available from:

        [3] Collection of Physics Experiments [Internet]. Department of Physics Education, MFF CUNI; n.d. [cited 2023 May 30]. Available from:

        Speakers: Petr Kácovský (Charles University), Zdeňka Koupilová
      • 14
        Evaluation of i-learning materials from the Erasmus project ARphymedes Plus

        Nowadays, interactive learning materials play an important role in learning a subject and it is important that they are also suitable for students with special educational needs (SEN), because there are more opportunities for personalization when using interactive learning materials. Most researchers agree that appropriate use of information and communication technology (ICT) can reduce disparities in inclusive education and that students with SEN need to have access to ICT-based programs that are part of the school curriculum [1, 2]. One way to bring subject matter closer to students with SEN is to convert textbooks to interactive textbooks (i-textbooks). In this paper, we present the results of the evaluation of the i-learning materials for physics teaching developed in the framework of the Erasmus project ARphymedes Plus. The materials were tested in the Primary school OŠ Orehek Kranj by a group of 8th grade primary school students with SEN. Some SEN students have identified special learning difficulties and have the status of a special educational needs student, for others this is only stated. We were interested in how students commented on the physics i-learning materials and where they saw opportunities for improving them. In order to collect data, a questionnaire was prepared for the students in electronic form, but regarding the situation in the classroom, the interviews were conducted with the students as well. The results of the evaluation will show how the students accepted these i-learning materials and where there is room for improvement.

        Speaker: Anja Šmid Pustoslemšek
      • 15
        Geogebra supporting materials for introductory university courses

        We present a set of Geogebra activities used in several introductory courses on Classical mechanics, Special relativity, Introductory to cosmology and within the courses for non-physics majors (Physics for chemists, Physics for biologists). Examples include various oscillations, curvilinear coordinates, solutions of equations of motion, basic types of spacetime diagrams (Minkowski, Loedel and Brehm ones) and effective potentials for the dynamic of basic cosmological models. All the activities include basic interactivity and the possibility to play with selected parameters. They are used within the classrooms and shared with the students via links in Moodle LMS platform together with other supporting materials.

        Speaker: Lukáš Richterek (Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc)
      • 16
        I-learning physics for students with special educational needs (Erasmus + project ARphymedes Plus)

        In the contribution we present i-learning material for physics which was developed within the Erasmus + project entitled AR physics made for students with special educational needs (acronym: ARphymedes Plus, grant: 2020-1-SK01-KA226-SCH-094415). The material takes into account the guidelines for the creation of i-learning materials and recommendations for accessibility for students with special educational needs (SEN). The objectives of the project are broad, ranging from achieving equity and dignity for the majority of students so that all students can express their potential and talents, adapting the output to the needs of SEN students and teachers, analyzing the interactive and behavioral patterns of SEN students in the technology-enhanced learning process, and developing an online platform that supports personalized learning and is adapted to the individual needs of students with different abilities.

        Speaker: Sasa Dolenc
      • 17
        QuViS Applets in Czech

        The collection of QuVis applets [1] is based on research on frequent student difficulties, and their design and effectiveness have been also verified [2]. The concept of these applets fits very well into our undergraduate Introductory Course of Quantum Physics for pre-service physics teachers. However, due to the applets being in English, we recognized the language barrier as an obstacle for some students when working independently with them. Moreover, we believe that a solid grasp of Czech terminology is important for future teachers. These reasons led us to translate selected applets into Czech.

        With the permission of their authors, we have translated 20 applets and made them available on the FyzWeb server [3]. The topics covered include Classical systems, Basic concepts, One-dimensional potentials, Two-dimensional potentials, Momentum and spin, and Entanglement and quantum information. To further enhance the collection, we are developing thematic worksheets that feature tasks using the selected applets alongside tasks that are solved without their use. Up to now, we have published five worksheets focusing on measurement in quantum physics [3, 4]. Our activities will be presented in a conference poster.

        [1] [online, cit. 23. 6. 2023]
        [2] A. Kohnle et al. Am. J. Physics 80, 148 (2012)
        [3] [online, cit. 23. 6. 2023]
        [4] M. Landa. Úlohy pro práci s aplety - axiom o měření v kvantové mechanice. Praha, 2021. Bakalářská práce. Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, Katedra didaktiky fyziky. Vedoucí práce Koupilová, Zdeňka. [online, cit. 23. 6. 2023]

        Speaker: Zdeňka Koupilová
      • 18
        Using a Mobile Phone as a Measurement Tool for Illuminance in Physics Education

        Mobile phone ownership is commonplace in the Czech Republic. Proposals for experiments or measurements using a mobile phone in physics education appear in journal articles, professional journals and qualification papers.
        The aim of this paper is to critically assess the data obtained with a mobile phone in comparison with laboratory technique. The paper focuses on the issue of using a mobile phone as a luxmeter, colorimeter and luminance meter.
        The measurements were performed on an optical bench with a rotating holder with an angular scale in a darkroom where daylight illumination of the luxmeter was minimized. Four laboratory luxmeters, 8 mobile phones, 2 school measurement system sensors and 6 mobile apps were used for comparison. Along with the laboratory luxmeters, a high-speed camera and video analysis were also used.
        General conclusions can be drawn from the measurement results:
        - For any measurement with a mobile phone it is essential to calibrate
        the app with a professional luxmeter.
        - Different mobile apps measure identically with the same mobile phone.
        - The same app measures differently on different phones.
        - Most mobile phones measure satisfactorily at distances between 50 cm and 150 cm from the light source.
        - Some mobile phones can be used to take measurements even when they are rotated up to 30° to the light source.
        - Most mobile phones react to a change in illuminance value within 0.5 s.
        - Most mobile phones also respond to ultraviolet and infrared radiation.
        When comparing mobile phones with a luxmeter, it was found that a mobile phone can replace a luxmeter in selected situations in education, but current mobile phones cannot replace a luxmeter in engineering practice.

        Speaker: Vladimír Vochozka (Katedra aplikované fyziky a techniky, Pedagogická fakulta, Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích)
      • 19
        VITAL - A Modular VR & AR Based Educational Toolkit To Help EU Adults Foster Climate Neutral Practices

        The VITAL project is motivated by the EU's Green Deal Action Plan and the exploitation of two Erasmus+ priorities – the fight against climate change combined with digital transformation in this case in the adult education sector. Various studies, statistics and surveys show that the rate of natural resource extraction is rapidly growing and our planet and the home of mankind can come to exhaustion of its finite resources. In a nutshell, the behaviour and lifestyle of EU Citizens in terms of consumption and use of products and services needs to be influenced so that we all contribute daily actions that are more sustainable and aligned with best practices leading to carbon neutrality.
        The main objectives of the VITAL project are:

        • Using an activity-based learning methodology to stimulate critical thinking and help adults understand in simpler terms and with examples, what the EU Green Deal is all about.
        • To help adult trainers create relevant activity-based learning activities which could be based on different areas applicable to the EU
          Green Deal (farm to fork, sustainable industry, building and renovating, eliminating pollution and single-use items, etc.).
        • To support a basic understanding of the main scientific principles and other phenomena involved e. g., in the greenhouse effect, carbon/material footprint, heat losses etc. through AR/VR based case studies.
        • Making use of AR and VR to
          develop content-rich training material that helps adults understand better and how they can foster and adopt resourceefficient
          practices both at home and at their place of work (thus, work with digital transformation and the increase of
          digital literacy skills and digital content creation at the same time).
        • Promote work-based learning and digital tools to
          allow direct implementation of acquired knowledge.

        The key project results are:

        • Modular Training Resources To Foster Climate Neutral Practices;
        • The VITAL Modular Open Educational Toolkit;
        • VITAL Trainer’s Guide.

        Each of the outcomes has several parts and activities included, some of which will be presented at the conference.

        Speaker: Jan Říha (Palacky University in Olomouc, Faculty of Science)
    • 12:00
    • Keynote speaker: Cyril Brom T2 (MFF UK)


      MFF UK

      Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Department of Physics Education
      Convener: Jitka Houfková
      • 20
        Emotional design in multimedia learning for children: a long saga of null results?
        Speaker: Cyril Brom
    • Ceremonies & social program: XXL-size experiments show outdoors (MFF UK)


      MFF UK

      Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Department of Physics Education
      Convener: Zdeňka Koupilová
    • 15:00
      Coffee break
    • Presentations/Workshops: Presentations III T2 (MFF UK)


      MFF UK

      Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Department of Physics Education
      Convener: Dr Lars-Jochen Thoms (University of Konstanz)
      • 21
        Teaching colour addition with a STEM educational resource based on Arduino and Processing Development Environment

        STEM Education is an important topic in today’s educational paradigm. According to Sjøberg et al. [1] new jobs that we don’t even know the name yet will appear and certainly will be influenced by innovations in science and technology. He also claims that the knowledge in the STEM area will be important not only for those associated with these areas, but to everyone because to solve real-world problems it is necessary to have information from different areas of knowledge [2].
        In this perspective we present an educational resource that combines contents of physics (colour addition with LEDs), engineering (circuit assembly), technology (Arduino platform and Processing, an open source programming language and integrated development environment), and mathematics (number handling and unit conversion).
        Although there are many examples in the literature regarding the study of colour addition, the educational resource here presented brings a novelty for the students, who are able to study colour addition perceived by the human eyes from two different mechanisms simultaneously: the colour seen on a computer screen is compared with the colour produced by an RGB LED. The former mechanism uses high quality filters in the screen pixels, while the latter uses low-cost LEDs combined in a light spot. In both mechanisms, This STEM activity uses a very simple and affordable experimental setup (less than 30 dollars, excluding the computer).
        This activity is a clear example of how technology enhanced learning in science can be incorporated in the classroom for teaching physics in a very engaging context. It can also be useful for a conceptual discussion of what is a spectral colour, how we can obtain millions of colours on a screen and how a colour image is formed on a digital display.

        The authors are grateful to FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and to IFIMUP, projects Ref. UIDB/04968/2020 and UIDP/04968/2020 for supporting this work.

        [1] Sjøberg, S. 2015. Foreword. In E. K. Henriksen, J. Dillon, and G. Pellegrini (Eds.). Understanding student participation and choice in science and technology education. (pp. v-vii). Springer. 10.1007/978-94-007-7793-4.
        [2] Timms, M. J., Moyle, K., Weldon, P. R., and Mitchell, P. 2018. Challenges in STEM learning in Australian schools: Literature and policy review. Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER).

        Speaker: Marcelo Hahn (University of Porto, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Physics and Astronomy)
      • 22
        Examples of physics lessons supported by the Arduino platform

        This contribution presents the author's experience with physics teaching supported by the Arduino platform.

        Speaker: Petr Kolář (Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics)
      • 23
        Damped oscillations: phyphox vs Arduino controlled Hall-sensor

        We tested phyphox application with 18 students (age of 17 years) in individual- and pair works at home, in physics class works and in project works. As introductory project, the students have chosen openly an individual- and a pair work from the phyphox menu, depending their smartphone sensors. [1]
        To step forward to mechanical damped oscillations, we studied the problem of pendulum and the vertical oscillation in water, as physics class phyphox project in groups of 3-4 students. We used the equation of motion of Newton, supposing a term proportional to velocity of the studied non-conservative system.
        Afterwards we searched for electromagnetic waves in a circuit containing a coil with loss and a capacitor (LCR-oscillator circuit). Using Kirchhoff’s voltage law, we can formulate analogous differential equation to the mechanical one, replacing displacement to electrical charge and velocity to current intensity. The LCR-oscillator circuit was charged by direct current, then discharged to create an electromagnetic damped oscillation. [2] [3]
        Satisfying some conditions concerning the LCR-oscillator circuit, we could demonstrate the existence of electromagnetic damped oscillations. Using our data we can compare the magnetometer sensors of different types of smartphones and estimate some characteristics of the waves, as its period or circular frequency. Depending the type of smartphones we could pick data by 10-20 ms.
        Finally, we have developed an Arduino controlled Hall-sensor, by which we could already pick data by 0.2-0.3 ms. This precision allow to determine more precisely the characteristics of the electromagnetic damped waves and the parameters of LCr-oscillator circuit.
        [1] phyphox, Physical Phone Experiments,
        [2] N Westermann et al , Measuring the magnetic field of a low frequency LC-circuit with phyphox, 2022 Phys. Educ. 57 065024
        [3] Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., Sands, M. (1963). The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Addison-Wesley

        Speaker: Zoltán Csernovszky (Berzsenyi Dániel Secondary School, Budapest, Hungary)
      • 24
        Teaching refractive index with a Virtual Experimental Activity

        The phenomenon of light refraction can be easily observed and studied at schools concerning the relationship between the incident and the refraction angles of a laser beam, crossing the interface of two transparent media, leading to the concept of relative refractive index between the two media. A simple experimental setup with an ordinary protractor can provide a good accuracy for this physical property up to two decimal places, expressing the dependence of the refractive index with the characteristics of the medium. However, students also learn from the dispersion of light with an optical prism that this property depends on the frequency of the crossing light. External factors also influence the value of the refractive index such as the temperature of the medium. Thus, in any refractive index table the values provided are related to a specific wavelength of light (e.g., 589 nm – sodium D line) and temperature (e.g., room temperature).
        In practice, the refractive index has a relatively weak dependence on wavelength and temperature, so the value variation occurs after the 2nd or 3rd decimal places. This means that a variation of 400 nm in frequency or 100 °C in temperature, results in a refraction angle variation of less than 0.6 degrees. Therefore, a more complex and accurate setup is required to measure the variation of the refraction angle which, usually, schools do not have.
        In this work a Virtual Experimental Activity (VEA) is proposed to engage students in the study of reflection and refraction of light, as well as the refractive index dependence on wavelength and temperature for water based on a scientific paper from Bashkatov and Genina [1]. VEAs are computational pedagogical simulations designed to help students to develop experimental, conceptual and procedural skills [2] whereas studying a phenomenon with an experimental setup in a virtual environment. The exploration of a VEA takes into account the experimental errors coming from the virtual instruments and from the user’s dexterity.
        In this simulation, the virtual instruments were designed to allow students to measure angles more accurately than usual, but without preventing them from introducing uncertainties into the measurements carried out, as it happens in a real experiment. We expect that the simulation will enhance the learning of the refractive index concept and, at the same time, develop in students essential skills that are so important in learning physics and science in general.

        [1] A. N. Bashkatov, E. A. Genina, P.S. Water refractive index in dependence on temperature and wavelength: a simple approximation. In Saratov Fall Meeting 2002: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine IV, Valery V. Tuchin, Editor, Proc. of SPIE 5068 (2003).
        [2] M. Rodrigues, P. S. Carvalho, P.S. Virtual Experimental Activities: a new approach. Physics Education, 57 (2022), 045025.

        Speaker: Marcelo Rodrigues (IFIMUP / AE António Sérgio, Portugal)
    • Presentations/Workshops: Workshop II T7 (MFF UK)


      MFF UK

      Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Department of Physics Education
      Convener: Petr Kácovský (Charles University)
      • 25
        Classroom Experimentation – Arduino Projects to Teach Electromagnetism

        Using the Arduino and various relatively inexpensive sensors that can be connected to it, teachers and students can perform a wide range of experiments, from simple qualitative experiments to research-level problems. Investigating the conductivity of liquids [1] and the magnetic field of a solenoid [2] using Arduino can be an exciting and useful task for both general high school students and those attending advanced physics classes.
        Our workshop aims to provide an engaging and effective approach to teaching electromagnetism in high school. Following a brief overview of the methodology, we will invite colleagues to participate in two physics projects: measuring the conductance of liquid with a developed measurement setup: the use of Arduino-controlled H-bridge provides with alternate current in order to avoid electrolysis. It continuously switches the polarity of voltage; thus, it changes the direction of the voltage supplied. In our second project, participants have the opportunity to investigate the magnetic field of a solenoid using Arduino-controlled Hall-sensor.
        We will provide a simple setup (Fig.1.) and easy-to-use code for operating the sensors and devices, along with a worksheet designed to support colleagues in their work enabling differentiation between students with different skills and motivation.
        For data acquisition participants can rely on Arduino and Data Streamer [3], and for data analysis we offer different ways – only qualitative explanation for general physics classes and quantitative description (e.g., function plotting) for advanced students.

        Speakers: Mihály Hömöstrei, Dorottya Schnider
    • Ceremonies & social program: Physics-related walk through Prague Historical Centre Walk from conference venue to conference dinner

      Walk from conference venue to conference dinner

      Walk from conference venue to conference dinner
      Convener: Matěj Ryston
    • Ceremonies & social program: Conference dinner
      Convener: Jitka Houfková
    • Keynote speaker: Bruce Mason T2 (MFF UK)


      MFF UK

      Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Department of Physics Education
      Convener: Petr Kácovský (Charles University)
    • Partners: Brief presentations T2 (MFF UK)


      MFF UK

      Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Department of Physics Education
    • 10:45
      Coffee break
    • Presentations/Workshops: Presentations IV T2 (MFF UK)


      MFF UK

      Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Department of Physics Education
      Convener: Zdeňka Koupilová
      • 27
        Comparing AI and student responses on variations of questions through the lens of sensemaking and mechanistic reasoning

        Physics education research (PER) shares a rich tradition of designing learning environments that promote valued epistemic practices such as sensemaking and mechanistic reasoning (1-3). Recent technological advancements, particularly artificial intelligence has caught significant traction in the PER community due to its human-like, sophisticated responses to physics tasks. (4,5) In this study, we contribute to the ongoing efforts by comparing AI (ChatGPT) and student responses to a physics task through the cognitive frameworks of sensemaking and mechanistic reasoning. Findings highlight that by virtue of its training data set, ChatGPT’s response provide evidence of mechanistic reasoning and mimics the vocabulary of experts in its responses. On the other hand, half of students’ responses evidenced sensemaking and reflected an effective amalgamation of diagram-based and mathematical reasoning, showcasing a comprehensive problem-solving approach. Thus, while AI responses elegantly reflected how physics is talked about, a part of students’ responses reflected how physics is practiced. In a second part of the study, we presented chatGPT with variations of the task, including an open-ended version and one with significant scaffolding. We observed significant differences in conclusions and use of representations in solving the problems across both student groups and the task formats.
        [1] T. O. B. Odden and R. S. Russ, Defining sensemaking: Bringing clarity to a fragmented theoretical construct, Science Education 103, (2019) 187
        [2] A. Sirnoorkar and J. T. Laverty, Theoretical exploration of task features that facilitate student sensemaking in physics, arXivpreprint arXiv:2302.11478 (2023)
        [3] Krist, C. V. Schwarz, and B. J. Reiser, Identifying essential epistemic heuristics for guiding mechanistic reasoning in science learning, Journal of the Learning Sciences 28, 160 (2019)
        [4] C. G. West, Ai and the fci: Can chatgpt project an understanding of introductory physics?, arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.01067
        [5] Bor Gregorcic and Ann-Marie Pendrill Phys. Educ. 58 (2023) 035021 DOI 10.1088/1361-6552/acc299

        Speaker: Prof. Dean Zollman (Kansas State University)
      • 28
        Smartphone-based undergraduate research projects in an introductory mechanics course

        At the University of Göttingen we implemented undergraduate research projects into a first-year mechanics course for physics majors and student teachers that aimed to foster self-directed, crosslinking, inquiry-based learning. Small groups of students each conducted one of six open experimental tasks using smartphone sensors to allow for flexible, first-hand data collection outside university laboratories. The program was evaluated based on questionnaires and students’ learning products (posters and responses to reflection questions). Initial analysis shows that students enjoyed the open, creative group work and the use of smartphones, but also found the project challenging due to the high degree of openness.

        Speaker: Simon Z. Lahme (University of Göttingen, Germany)
      • 29
        Vividbooks: Not Just Another Textbook

        Imagine a world where textbooks don’t just explain, but ignite curiosity. Vividbooks takes teaching to the next level by leading students on a journey where they unravel the magic of Physics step-by-step. We believe in an approach where students learn not by passive absorption, but by active discovery. It’s not about lecturing or memorizing, but about sparking discussions, questions, and realizations.
        For educators, Vividbooks offers an arsenal of teaching tools. From foundational lessons bursting with animations and discussion-driven questions to worksheets, experiment inspirations, and traditional textual content. And yes, for the tech-savvy teacher, there’s interactive testing and practice too!

        At the conference, Vividbooks will unveil its brand-new, game-changing tool: VIVIDBOARD. Beyond its interactive core, it provides in-depth test result analyses, real-time feedback tools, and numerous features designed to save teachers’ time and elevate the learning experience.

        Speaker: Vít Škop (VividBooks)
    • Presentations/Workshops: Workshop III T7 (MFF UK)


      MFF UK

      Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Department of Physics Education
      Convener: Matěj Ryston
      • 30
        Using low-cost and standalone Virtual and Augmented Reality headsets to teach and learn motion concepts

        Low-cost, standalone Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) headsets are today available to teachers and researchers. These tools create new opportunities for educators, but there is a great need to increase the general knowledge about the use of VR/AR hardware and software in education, in order to use them effectively in teaching/learning environments. Moreover, these VR/AR headsets have some peculiar features that make them very interesting for the teaching and learning of Physics: in fact, they effectively are based on 6 degrees-of-freedom, high-speed, multiple-object tracking technologies, whose data is available to developers to build their own (educational) experiences. During this workshop the participants will be able to use some educational software we designed and coded for VR/AR, the main focus being on a software to teach and learn motion concepts; participants will be able to use standalone headsets for hands-on activities and to debate the potentials and limitations of this technology in its use in Physics Education.

        Speaker: Dr Tommaso Rosi (University of Trento)
    • Ceremonies & social program: Closing ceremony T2 (MFF UK)


      MFF UK

      Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Department of Physics Education
    • 12:30