Indico Workshop 3.5
After a long period of waiting, further extended by the COVID pandemic, the Indico community meets once again in Geneva for two days of learning, sharing and celebration.
The Indico Workshop 3.5 will be an opportunity for Indico service providers, developers and administrators from around the world to get together, exchange impressions and ideas and learn from each other.
The Indico Workhop is, for the first time, co-organized by two institutions: CERN and the United Nations!
Some of the topics discussed will include:
- The latest developments in Indico 3.2 and what to expect in upcoming versions;
- Best practices for the deployment of Indico;
- Indico and Web Accessibility;
- Indico's Community and Project Governance;
- Customization of Indico for organizational workflows;
- As usual, sharing experiences managing Indico servers;
- Exchanging impressions with other Indico developers, admins and users and discussing possible collaborations;
Attendance is free of charge. We're counting on your participation!
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Indico @ FAIR and GSI
The current status of the Indico installation at FAIR and GSI ( will be presented where amongst others the adaptions via
, a meeting themes plugin and for the LDAP login will be described.Speaker: Stefan Hesselbach (GSI Darmstadt) -
Indico @ CTAO - Migrating to Azure ADSpeaker: Dr Dirk Hoffmann (CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS/IN2P3 (FR))
Canonical: using Indico at Tech Conferences
Indico is an exceptional events management platform developed at CERN, with a strong focus on scientific events. However, its versatility makes it suitable for running community-focused open source events as well. At Canonical, we successfully used Indico to host the Ubuntu Summit 2022. During our presentation, we will discuss the essential aspects of our Indico setup, the customizations we made to meet our unique needs, and a command-line tool we developed to save time and address certain shortcomings.
Speaker: Philipp Kewisch (Canonical) -
Canonical: deploying Indico using Charmed Operators
We will demonstrate how to deploy Indico at scale using Charmed Operators, enabling you to efficiently run the platform on your infrastructure or a public cloud. This is essential for performance and scalability when running an event with many participants. Join us to learn more about our experience with Indico and explore its full potential.
Speaker: Tom Haddon
Lunch Break Restaurant 2
Restaurant 2
Transport to the UN
Registration at the UN Palais des Nations
Palais des Nations
Welcome to the UN Palais des Nations
Palais des Nations
Speaker: Kira Kruglikova (UN) -
Keynote: Open Infrastructure for a Better World Palais des Nations
Palais des Nations
Speaker: Tim Smith (CERN) -
Monday Afternoon Session: Governance and Community Palais des Nations
Palais des Nations
Convener: Frank Moser (UNOG)-
Accessibility at the UN
An introduction given by Mr. Serget Kochetkov, Chief, Interpretation Service, DGACM and Accessibility Focal Point for DGACM.
Speaker: Sergey Kochetkov (UN) -
Accessibility in Indico.UNSpeaker: Sapar Annayev (UN)
A Governance Model for IndicoSpeaker: Pedro Ferreira (CERN)
Discussion - Governance ModelSpeaker: Frank Moser (UNOG)
Reception at the UN Palais des Nations
Palais des Nations
Dinner Cafe du Soleil
Cafe du Soleil
Pl. du Petit-Saconnex 6 1209 Genève -
Transport to CERN Cafe du Soleil
Cafe du Soleil
Migration from indico 1.x to indico 3.x for ESRF
The presentation covers the process of transitioning from an older version of the Indico software to a newer version for the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF). It may also cover the challenges and potential issues that can arise during the migration process.
Speaker: Krzysztof Klimczyk - 16
Indico.UN technical overview
The Indico.UN project has a unique challenge - to serve not only the United Nations Office Geneva, but also other UN duty stations worldwide. This requires a deep and heavy customization of Indico, as it needs to harmonize complex workflows across multiple organizations. In this session, the Indico.UN team will showcase their technical approach to addressing this challenge. They will present their use of built-in and in-house developed utilities to add UN-specific functionality and customizations to Indico. Additionally, the team will demonstrate how they have reliably extended Indico classes, altered the database schema, injected form fields, intercepted function calls or overhauled the entire permission system, among other techniques. They will also discuss how their development lifecycle interacts with upstream contributions. The aim of the presentation is to inspire attendees with ideas about how they can solve their own complex requirements when developing Indico plugins.
Speaker: Alejandro Avilés -
UNCONVENTIONAL: Your partner for Indico services
We are excited to introduce UNCONVENTIONAL, a new player in the Indico ecosystem that provides specialized services to organizations seeking reliable Indico hosting, along with tailored development of new features and user support. In this presentation, we will provide more information about our company, services, and approach. Join us to discover how UNCONVENTIONAL can assist you in unlocking the full potential of Indico to manage complex conferences with ease.
Speaker: Alejandro Avilés -
Indico and JACoWSpeakers: Duarte Galvão (Universidade de Lisboa (PT)), Dr Ivan Andrian (Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste SCpA)
Tuesday Morning Session: Internationalization and accessibility 513/1-024
PoC project of implementation of WCAG 2.1 for Indico
Proof of Concept project for implementing WCAG 2.1 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) for Indico. The project aimed to improve the accessibility of Indico for users with disabilities, such as those who are blind, deaf, or have limited mobility. The presentation outlined the challenges faced in implementing WCAG 2.1, such as the need to provide text alternatives for non-text content, ensure keyboard accessibility, and use color and contrast effectively. The presentation highlighted the importance of web accessibility and its impact on the user experience
Speaker: Krzysztof Klimczyk -
An i18n crash course for the Indico DeveloperSpeakers: Tomas Roun (CERN), Dr Dirk Hoffmann (CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS/IN2P3 (FR))
Multi-lingual events at the UN: challengesSpeakers: Federica Spatafora, Mr Vasant Vohra
Lunch Restaurant 2
Restaurant 2
Visit at CERN - Antimatter Factory & Data Center Antimatter Factory & Data Center Visit Point
Antimatter Factory & Data Center Visit Point
The visit will be split into two groups of 12 people each and both groups will visit the CERN Data Center Visit Point and the Antimatter Factory.
Please be aware that for the Antimatter Factory you should be wearing flat closed shoes (no loose sandals, high heels, etc.).
Speakers: Stefan Lueders (CERN), Giuseppe Lo Presti (CERN) -
Harnessing the Potential of AI for Indico.AI
In this talk, we will explore the advancements in AI that can be applied to Indico. We will dive into the exploration of smart search, personalized recommendations, smart chatbots, smart compose, predictive analytics, and redesigning the Indico home with AI features.
Speaker: Vasant Vohra -
CERNBox + Indico: CERN services working together
CERNBox is a sync and share collaborative cloud storage solution developed at CERN, used by more than 37K users and storing over 18PB of data. One very prominent workflow at CERN is to edit a document at CERNBox's collaborative tools, then download it and upload as an event material. This presented a perfect opportunity to integrate both services, by allowing users to directly attach files stored in their cloud space. This integration has become an Indico plugin which now supports any OCIS-compatible EFSS platform.
Speaker: Javier Ferrer (CERN) -
Indico Fedora packagingSpeaker: Andrii Verbytskyi (Max Planck Society (DE))
CAT: the Conference Assembly Tool for JACoW conferences
JACoW and Indico has been friends since ever. The Scientific Programme Management System (SPMS) has been the main JACoW tool to manage its conferences. Grown up from different grounds, both SPMS and Indico shared a lot of features and requirements.
Since 2016 JACoW and the Indico team are working to bring all the SPMS features to Indico. Now the Conference Assembly Tool (CAT) project is filling the gap of an automatic Proceedings Package creation tool.
Made of an Indico Plugin (PURR - Proceedings Utility Running Remotely) and an externa webapp (MEOW - Machine Editor for cOnferences Website) CAT aims of providing a one-button utility to create a static, searchable website to publish proceedings on
Insights of this magic tool will be presented, together with ideas of possible paths to explore. This would allow to open up the Indico use base in the field of conference proceedings publication.Speaker: Dr Ivan Andrian (Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste SCpA) -
Elastic Search and SuperEvent integration with Indico plugins
At CTBTO, we have implemented an Elastic Search plugin, derived from the CERN Citadel plugin. As we are using Elastic Search in many areas, but we do not have a need for the Citadel middleware, this solution works great for us.
SuperEvent is an event platform and a mobile app that we use for our SnT conference. We have created a LiveSync agent plugin to interface with SuperEvent API. As SuperEvent also needs to be alerted when the registration information changes, we have enhanced Indico's LiveSync plugin to include registration information.
Speaker: Cyrille Bonnet-Gonnet (CTBTO) -
A case study: Designing an efficient registration module for a conference management system.
This talk delves into the key considerations involved in designing a high-level system for conference registration, including read and write workload, storage capacity, load balancing, peak traffic handling, scalability, and cache memory requirements.
This talk provides a better understanding of the considerations that go into designing a high-level system for conference registration for a seamless user experience and reliable performance for organizers.
Speaker: Vasant Vohra
Speaker: Adrian Mönnich (CERN)
Speakers: Adrian Mönnich (CERN), Pedro Ferreira (CERN)