- Location:
The LISA Conference event will be held at the IKS campus, KU Leuven, Belgium. The city is an eclectic mix of 15th century architecture as well as modern buildings, which lends it a dynamic look. Leuven is home to a large population of students, who make use of the university departments and institutes spread around the city. It is located about 25 kilometers (16 miles) east of Brussels, the city known as “the pearl of Europe”.
- Directions to Leuven:
By Car
-Coming from Brussels: take the highway E40/A3 (Brussel-Luik) direction Luik, take exit E314/A2 (Leuven-Hasselt-Genk) between exit 22 (Bertem) and exit 24 (Haasrode).
-Coming from Luik: take the highway E40/A3 (Brussel-Luik) direction Brussel, follow the E314/A2 (Leuven-Hasselt-Genk).
-Coming from Hasselt/Genk/Aken/Maastricht: take the highway E314/A2 (Aken-Leuven).
Take exit 15 (Leuven).
At the third traffic light, turn right into the Celestijnenlaan.
Take the first street to the right to reach the campus.
By plane
Most flights to Belgium arrive at Brussels airport (about 25km from Leuven).
There is a direct train connection between Brussels Airport and Leuven (see 'by train').
-Brussels South Charleroi Airport.
If you fly with Ryanair, you may arrive at Brussels South Charleroi Airport (about 80km from Leuven).
From the airport, take bus A or bus 68 to Charleroi station. You can find timetables and rates at: https://www.letec.be/
- Premises
Maria Theresa Colege - Lecture hall reserved for talks.
IKS - Nuclear Physics institute of KU Leuven.
Jubileumzaal - Poster session location.