The meeting will be held at the Université Claude Bernard Lyon (UCBL)
- Location of UCBL
- Meeting Rooms
- Interactive Maps
- Graphical overview of the timetable and meeting rooms
Location of UCBL
«La Doua» campus (Villeurbanne), next to the Parc de la Tête d'Or on the T1 tramway line from Part-Dieu (step off at the «Université Claude Bernard» stop), direction «IUT Fessine».Going to UCBL:
- By train: Gare Part-Dieu (SNCF), then tramway line T1, towards «IUT Fessine», step off at the «Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1» stop.
- By plane: Saint Exupéry airport, then use the Part-Dieu <-> Saint Exupéry RhoneExpress shuttle. One every 20 mn, about 30 mn trip. Fare: 13€ one-way, or 23 return. You may get the tickets from office at either end, or from the internet site.
- By car, wherever from: «le campus scientifique de la Doua» is signposted on the périphérique (ring road) around Lyon, toward Villeurbanne (roughly north-east of Lyon). Leave périphérique at exit «Campus de la Doua» and follow the signs. You end up on Boulevard Laurent Bonnevay, turn off toward any entrance and look for the parking site nearest the boulevard du 11 novembre 1918. Not so many spaces.
Meeting Rooms:
All meetings of Feb. 2nd and 3rd, will take place in rooms (C3, C4, C5) on the ground floor of Nautibus, including the visioconference room (in entrance hall). There will be signs for directions at all entrance doors and in main hall.
- Lunch and coffee breaks on February 3rd in the meeting rooms
- The WP7 meeting should take place sometime in the early afternoon of February 3rd, in room TD12 of Nautibus
The meetings of February 4th will be held in the Salle de Conseil in the «Maison de l'Université» building, 43 boulevard du 11 novembre 1918, Villeurbanne
- Lunch and coffee breaks in the room just outside the Salle du Conseil, in Maison de l'Université, same floor
Interactive maps:
- general map of Lyon telling you where the Campus de la Doua is located. This map lets you click on places, and if you click on the "Campus de la Doua" label, you get sent to the...
map of the Campus de la Doua (western section), where you will manage to see the two important following information items:
- Bâtiment Nautibus (building for the Computer Science Department), where all the WP meetings for ENVISION will take place (2nd and 3rd of Feb.), as well as the committee meetings (3rd).
- Maison de l'Université (Domitien Debouzie), where both ENVISION and ENTERVISION meetings will take place on the 4th. The entrance is through the main door, on the "boulevard du 11 novembre 1918". There is an information desk, and the people there will direct all participants to the elevator for the 3rd floor, where the Salle du Conseil is located. There will be signs everywhere.