5 June 2023
America/Chicago timezone

An Inclusive Timeline for Future HEP Collider Projects

5 Jun 2023, 13:05


Julia Lynne Gonski (Columbia University (US))


Several novel and exciting plans for future collider projects have emerged from the Snowmass and P5 processes. The optimal path forward is one that accommodates as many of these plans as possible, accounting for their varying stages of readiness, continued integration of the global HEP community, and funding expectations. This remark offers a timeline that starts with a Higgs factory in parallel to accelerator R&D, such that physics from a muon collider could bridge a potential gap in data-taking given the current anticipated FCC-hh start date. Such an approach interleaves R&D, construction, and data-taking periods into a broad cooperative strategy that follows schedules based on Town Hall inputs and keeps all options on the table at this stage. Success of this vision and the field overall is predicated on consensus and collaboration, along with community-wide agency to evolve collective funding strategies and goals as needed.


Julia Lynne Gonski (Columbia University (US))

Presentation materials