Dependence of vacuum arc initiation dynamics on the application of a static magnetic field

4 Mar 2024, 16:15
Poster Modeling and Simulations Poster Session


Roni Koitermaa (University of Helsinki)


The role of the magnetic field in vacuum arcing has been neglected in many experimental and computational studies, while it is present in many applications. Future accelerators such as muon colliders and technologies such as vacuum interrupters involve significant magnetic fields that potentially influence the plasma initiation dynamics of vacuum arcing, as they can significantly focus the initial electron beam. Here we use our concurrently coupled approach of FEMOCS combining particle-in-cell, emission, and heating, to study how the addition of an external magnetic field can influence the heating behavior of the cathode and anode.



Andreas Kyritsakis Flyura Djurabekova (University of Helsinki) Tauno Tiirats (University of Tartu) Prof. Veronika Zadin (University of Tartu (EE))

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