Using standard mathematical methods for asymptotic series and the large-β0
approximation, we define a Minimum Distance between the Fixed-Order pertur-
bative series and the Contour-Improved perturbative series in the strong coupling
α_s for finite-energy sum rules as applied to hadronic τ decays. This distance is
similar, but not identical, to the Asymptotic Separation of Hoang and Regner,
which is defined in terms of the difference of the two series after Borel resumma-
tion. Our results confirm a nonzero nonperturbative result in α_s for this Mini-
mum Distance as a measure of the intrinsic difference between the two series, as
well as a conflict with the Operator Product Expansion for Contour-Improved
Perturbation Theory.
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M. Golterman, K. Maltman