The next generation projects in Deep Underground Laboratories
ASPERA Workshop
The next generation projects in Deep Underground Laboratories
Towards a common strategy and linking schemes
Zaragoza & Canfranc, Spain
June 30 – July 2, 2011
Registration deadline: extended to June 26, 2011 sharp
The European Roadmap on Astroparticle Physics, released by ASPERA-ApPEC, covers the future large scale projects in the next decade, emphasising the need for strengthening the coordination of activities at European or even international levels.
The Workshop is organised on the deep underground laboratories projects, focusing on the following topics:
- Properties of neutrinos
- Dark matter search
- Stability of protons
The relevant ongoing and especially forthcoming projects in the largest worldwide underground laboratories will be presented and discussed, in view of pinning down key points allowing to evolving towards a common strategy and relevant linking schemes.
The programme will comprise a series of invited plenary talks, a round table session and a visit to the Canfranc underground lab.
Organisation Committee:
Thomas Berghoefer
Susana Cebriàn
Hélène Demonfaucon
Eduardo Garcia
Hajer Graya
Stavros Katsanevas
Javier Mena
Fabrice Piquemal
Bijan Saghai (co-chair)
José Angel Villar (co-chair)