26 August 2024 to 4 September 2024
Orthodox Academy of Crete, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece
Europe/Athens timezone
The extended day of ICNFP 2024 will be 12 December 2024: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1486482/

Searches of exotic decays with NA62 in beam-dump mode

3 Sept 2024, 11:40
Room 1

Room 1

Talk High Energy Particle Physics High Energy Particle Physics


Stefan Alexandru Ghinescu (Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (RO))


The NA62 experiment at CERN took data in 2016–2018 with the main goal of measuring the $K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ \nu \bar\nu$ decay. In this talk we report on the search for visible decays of exotic mediators from data taken in "beam-dump" mode with the NA62 experiment. NA62 can be run as a "beam-dump" experiment by removing the kaon production target and moving the upstream collimators into a "closed" position. In this configuration 400~GeV protons are dumped on an absorber and New Physics (NP) particles, including dark photons, dark scalars and axion-like particles, may be produced and reach a decay volume beginning 80~m downstream of the absorber. More than $10^{17}$ protons on target have been collected in "beam-dump" mode by NA62 in 2021. Recent results from analysis of this data, with a particular emphasis on Dark Photon and Axion-like particle Models, are presented. We also report new results on the first NA62 search for long-lived NP particles decaying in flight to hadronic final states based on a blind analysis of a sample of $1.4 \times 10^{17}$ protons on dump collected in 2021.


Stefan Ghinescu

The abstract is submitted on behalf of the NA62 Collaboration by A. Romano, chair of the NA62 Conference Committee. If it will be accepted as a talk, a speaker will be appointed as soon as possible.

Internet talk Maybe
Is this an abstract from experimental collaboration? Yes
Name of experiment and experimental site The NA62 experiment at CERN SPS
Is the speaker for that presentation defined? Yes


Angela Romano (University of Birmingham (GB)) Stefan Alexandru Ghinescu (Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (RO))

Presentation materials