18–20 Dec 2023
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Some aspects of deep learning frontier in THEP

19 Dec 2023, 11:30
Convention Center CC2 (IIT Hyderabad)

Convention Center CC2

IIT Hyderabad

Talk Plenary


Partha Konar (Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, Gujarat-380 009, INDIA)


The application of deep learning techniques to theoretical particle physics has recently witnessed explosive growth, opening up exciting new avenues for exploration. The integration of deep learning into theoretical particle physics is still in its early stages, but it holds immense potential for future breakthroughs. As these techniques continue to evolve and become more sophisticated, we can expect even more remarkable discoveries in our quest to understand the fundamental nature of our universe. We would discuss some of the theoretical questions and explore these possibilities in this new paradigm.

Presentation materials