Finite density lattice QCD usually relies on extrapolations in baryon
chemical potential ($\mu_B$), be it Taylor expansion, T' expansion or
analytical continuation. However, their range of validity is difficult to
control. In the canonical formulation, the baryon density is the
parameter of the system, not $\mu_B$.
Here we demonstrate that we can access finite density QCD in the canonical formulation
with physical quark masses along the strangeness neutral line.
We present first results with both the strangeness ($n_S$) and baryon
($n_B)$ densities as parameters. Specifically, we compute the QCD pressure and
chemical potentials as functions of $n_B$ and $n_S$ and construct
an equation of state. Our computations rely on
high-statistics simulations with 2+1 4HEX-staggered fermions.
Category | Theory |