Early-career researcher support will be provided in the form of a reduction of the conference fee.
To apply for early-career researcher support:
1) Check the corresponding box in the registration form.
This can be done during registration, or afterwards by modifying the registration form.
2) Send the following documents to qm2025-support-at-itp.uni-frankfurt.de :
a) your current CV
b) a brief information if you have been accepted for a contribution (talk or poster) at QM25
Please include your full name in the email header.
Early-career researcher support does not require an accepted contribution at the conference
but the chances to be granted support will increase.
3) Ask your supervisor or advisor or mentor to send a brief letter support (max 1 page) to qm2025-support-at-itp.uni-frankfurt.de including your full name in the email header.
First preference for support will be given to graduate students, but young postdocs that require financial support will be considered as well.
Attendance of the QM25 early-career researcher day on Sunday, April 6, 2025 is mandatory to receive early-career researcher support.
It is expected that early-career researchers receiving support will help during the conference by e.g. aiding the session chairs in the question sessions with handling the microphones.
The deadline to complete your application for support is January 22, 2025.