26–28 Mar 2007
Europe/Zurich timezone

QtRoot project status and examples of its use at STAR

27 Mar 2007, 11:10
Council Chamber

Council Chamber


Valeri Fine (BNL/Star)


The talk present the current status and overview of the QtRoot project that is split in two major subsystems, namely Qt-layer (avaiable from CERN ROOT ) and Qt-Extension (available from BNL) Each component of each subsystem is an Qt-based implementation of the existent ROOT abstract interface. Such approach makes the end-user code independent of either Qt or ROOT built-in implementations of the said interfaces. The QtRoot can be build against of X11 or Win32 or \"native\" MAC version of Qt with the regular Qt \"qmake\" utility and no change to the package source codes. The various examples of the STAR applications for offline production, online monitoring and the detector simulation will also be presented.

Presentation materials