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26–28 Mar 2007
Europe/Zurich timezone

The Castor2/xrootd integration -- the details

27 Mar 2007, 16:00
Council Chamber

Council Chamber


Andy Hanushevsky (SLAC)


Scalla, Structured Cluster Architecture for Low Latency Access, is widely used to provide data for High Energy Physics anlysis. It packages together xrootd and olbd servers to provide a highly scalable online storage system with very low system overhead. While used mainly for the BaBar experiment, it is quickly gaining acceptance in other experiments such as Alice, GLAST, and STAR. The Scalla system currently interfaces with HPSS, RALMSS, and CLEO/Store in order to make large stores of archived data transparently available. Two new additions have recently decome available: DPM from G-Lite and Castor. This talk will present detailed information on how the Castor integration was accomplished, including the high and low points of that integration.

Presentation materials