Probing jet hadrochemistry and charged-particle jet radial profile modifications in pp and Pb--Pb collisions with ALICE

24 Sept 2024, 11:10
Room 102

Room 102

Oral presentation 1. Jets modification and medium response Parallel 14: jet theory


Sierra Lisa Weyhmiller (Yale University (US))


Jet substructure measurements in heavy-ion collisions provide constraints on jet quenching and the medium response in the QGP. Though there has been remarkable progress in inclusive-charged-hadron jet substructure measurements, understanding the identified particle composition of jets and their modification in heavy-ion collisions remains elusive. Jet quenching models predict that the jet hadrochemical composition may be modified in heavy-ion collisions due to jet-medium interactions, as well as the medium response. Further, models including the jet wake from a hydrodynamic medium response predict an enhancement of soft particle productions at large angles from the jet axis. Measurements of identified particles in jets can help discriminate between various parton-QGP interactions. We present the first measurements of $\pi$, K, and p ratios within charged-particle-jets of various $R$ and the underlying event as a function of particle transverse momentum and radial distance from the jet axis in pp and Pb--Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm{NN}}}$ = 5.02 TeV. These measurements leverage the excellent PID capabilities of ALICE over a wide momentum range. Additionally, we present results of the particle density profile, $\rho$, for charged particles in jets. We compare the results with theoretical models to understand soft particle production mechanisms and distinguish modified jet fragmentation from bulk effects.

Category Experiment
Collaboration ALICE

Primary authors

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