Young Scientist Support

For young scientists:

The conference organizers aim to support young scientists, i.e. students and postdoc (up to 3 years after PhD defense), in the form of the exemption of registration fee. In order to apply for the Young Scientist Support, please proceed with the following steps: 

  1. Register this conference but do NOT pay until you receive the result of this application
  2. Apply for Young Scientist Support
  3. Ask your supervisor/mentor to send a reference letter to the email address provided below

The steps 1 and 2 can be done in the following page:
Application for Young Scientist Support

The application requires your CV and a reference letter from your supervisor/mentor. The CV should contain your research activity and can be submitted via the application form above. 

All young scientists, especially those who receive this support, are expected to attend the Student Day Lectures on September 22.


For supervisors:

Please send a reference letter to by the deadline of this application. Please set the title of the email to be "[HP2024] Young Scientist Support (Applicant's FirstName LastName)"


The deadline of Young Scientist Application is July 10th (updated)Only complete applications received until July 10th are considered. The decision will be notified by July 22nd (updated).