Parallel 1: jet substructure
- Xin-Nian Wang (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
Measurements of jets that traverse a quark gluon plasma can provide in- sights into the jet energy loss in heavy ion collisions. Furthermore, considering jets of various radii can help elucidate how the parton energy is transferred to the medium as well as the corresponding medium response. This talk presents measurements of the nuclear modification factor and dijet momentum balance for...
Measurements of jet substructure in heavy-ion collisions provide critical insights into the mechanisms of jet quenching within the hot and dense QCD medium created during these collisions, spanning a wide range of energy scales. This talk presents new measurements from the ATLAS Collaboration on jet suppression and substructure, employing the Soft-Drop grooming procedure in Pb+Pb and pp...
Jet substructure observables are an effective probe of the QCD matter created in heavy ion collisions, studying various jet and medium interaction scales. Measurements of these observables have been typically limited to single dimensions, leaving unanswered questions about the interplay of momentum and angular components in the evolution of jets. Here we present two new multi-dimensional jet...
We propose a novel approach to investigate the evolution of jets in heavy-ion collisions by employing a combination of jet substructure measurements. Our method focuses on isolating the perturbative regime of jet evolution. As a proof of concept, we analyze the distribution of the hardest splitting above a transverse momentum scale, $k_{t,{\rm cut}}$ , in high-$p_T$ jets. For a $k_{t,{\rm...
Deciphering jet substructure modification patterns in heavy ion collisions holds the key to finding the inner working of the quark-gluon plasma. In the past few years, significant progress was made to studying the modifications of soft-drop jet observables, which were designed to probe the hard jet substructure. Collinear-drop observables were constructed to enhance the sensitivity to soft jet...
Jet energy loss is an important signature of the creation of QGP. High-precision energy-loss model is essential to independently verifying the QGP properties learned from soft particles. In this work, we study the phenomenological influence of the higher order collision kernels --- the up-to-NLO one evaluated by EQCD and the non-perturbative (NP) one computed in lattice QCD --- in the energy...