Parallel 26: medium response
- Krishna Rajagopal (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
Partons traversing the hot and dense medium of deconfined color charges produced in collisions of heavy nuclei are expected to lose their energy primar- ily through medium-induced gluon bremsstrahlung. As a result, the amount of induced energy loss is expected to depend on the QCD color charge carried by the parton, i.e. depend on whether it is a quark- or a gluon-initiated jet. In this talk,...
Hard-scattered partons traversing the medium produced in heavy-ion colli- sions lose energy by interacting with the medium. Simultaneously, the medium is modified in this interaction, exchanging energy and momentum with the parton. A typical modification of the medium in this process includes an enhancement of the medium particles in the direction of the parton (the so-called wake) and a...
We begin by using Hybrid Model calculations to reproduce experimental results published by ATLAS in 2023 on $R_{AA}$ for $R=1$ jets in Pb+Pb collisions. These jets are identified via first reconstructing anti-$k_t$ $R=0.2$ subjets and then reclustering them. Following ATLAS, we investigate how $R_{AA}$ for these large-radius jets depends on the angle between the two subjets involved in the...
Particles associated with the jet will be deflected from their initial direction due to the scatterings with the thermal partons flowing in the QGP fluid. Such deflections depend on the energy of the jet, the local energy gradient, and the local flow velocity. In general, the soft particles will drift towards the direction of the flowing medium, away from the center of the jet cone where the...