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12–13 Jun 2024
Visitor Center, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, United Kingdom
Europe/London timezone

Talk 2: So, you need to do a proton test and have no clue why or how

13 Jun 2024, 14:35
Visitor Center, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, United Kingdom

Visitor Center, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, United Kingdom


Stefan Höffgen (Fraunhofer INT)



This talk tries to give answers to the following questions of less experienced people:
Why do I need to test with protons? What radiation effects are covered? When do I need a proton test and when are other particle types better (heavy ions, neutrons)? How do I need to prepare my device under test (DUT)? What is the relevant dosimetry? What flux and fluence do I need for which effect? What is NIEL? What about radiation protection (I am scared already)? What limits my test setup? Can I take my DUTs and measuring equipment back home with me?

Presentation materials